97. -ing and -ed clauses (the woman talking to Tom, the boy injured in the accident) Flashcards
Cononces a la mujer que está hablando con Tom?
Do you know the woman talking to Tom?
El niño herido en el accidente fue llevado al hospital.
The boy injured in the accident was taken to hospital.
La policía que investiga el crimen están buscando a tres hombres.
Police investigating the crime are looking for three men. (police are investigating the crime)
¿Quién era esa gente esperando fuera?
Who were those people waiting outside? (they were waiting)
Me desperté por un sonido de campana.
I was woken up by a bell ringing. (a bell was ringing)
La carretera que une los dos pueblos es muy estrecha.
The road connecting the two villages is very narrow. (the road connects the two villages)
Tengo una habitación grande con vistas al jardín.
I have a large room overlooking the garden. (the room overlooks the garden)
¿puedes pensar en el nombre de una flor que comienza con T?
Can you think of the name of a flower beginning with T? (the name begins with T)
El niño herido en el accidente fue llevado al hospital.
The boy injured in the accident was taken to hospital.
he was injured in the accident
George me mostró algunos cuadros pintados por su padre.
George showed me some pictures painted by his father.
they had been painted by his father
La policía nunca encontró el dinero robado en el robo.
The police never found the money stolen in the robbery.
La mayoría de los productos fabricados en esta fábrica se exportan.
Most of the goods made in this factory are exported.
Hemos comido casi todos los chocolates. Solo quedan unos pocos
We’ve eaten nearly all the chocolates. There are only a few left.
Había algunos niños nadando en el río.
There were some children swimming in the river.
¿Hay alguien esperando?
Is there anybody waiting?
Había un coche rojo grande estacionado fuera de la casa.
There was a big red car parked outside the house.