904 final exam Flashcards
performance and social expectations, loss of function is indicative of the need for nursing intervention
state of physical, mental, spiritual, and social functioning within a developmental context
failure of adaptive mechanisms resulting in functional or structural disturbances
the subjective experience of a sick person
primary prevention
health promotion and specific protection
secondary prevention
early diagnosis, prompt treatment, disability limitation
tertiary prevention
restoration and rehabilitation
objectives of health education or counseling
improve health status, change behaviors
3 domains of learning
cognitive, psychomotor, affected
transcultural nursing
study of cultures to understand similarities and differences across groups
12 determinants of health
income and social status, employment and working conditions, education and literacy, childhood experiences, physical environment, race, and racism, social supports, healthy behaviours, access to services, biology and genetics, gender, and culture
quantifiable change in the structure
advances in skills
head to toe
infancy, toddler, preschool, school-age, adolescence, young adult, middle adult, older adult
screening test
asymptomatic, applied to groups, not a basis for treatment
diagnostic test
applied to a single patient, the basis for treatment, conclusive
logical and based on research
6 principles of trauma-informed care
safety, trustworthiness, choice, collaboration, empowerment, respect, view the individual as being harmed
incidence, distribution, control of disease
rehabilitative care
restore patient to greatest potential for independence, and to previous functional level
restorative care
based on maintaining current level of function, improve functional ability, prevent decline or complications
losses that accompany disability
function, role, income, status, independece, body image
principles of adult teaching
applicable to real life, past and current experience, problem-centered, informal, guidance instead of grades
teaching strategies
low tone of voice, slower rate, trust and rapport, concrete instead of abstract, reduce distractions