9 - Software Defined Networking Flashcards
Network Management
Process of configuring network to achieve a variety of tasks
- load balance
- security
- business relationships
Configuring net ]work mistakes lead to:
- Oscillation
- loops
- partitions
- black-holes
Why is configuration hard?
- Defining correctness is hard
- Interactions between protocols->unpredictability
- Operators make mistakes
Device-level configuration SDN changes this
What operators need (and what SDN provides)
- Network-wide views
- topology
- traffic - Network-level objectives
- load balance
- security - Direct Control
- > direct manuplation of data plane
Routers should (to make network operations easier) …
+ Forward packets
+ Collect measurements
- Compute Routes -> can be (logically) centralized
Software Defined Networking == “Remove Routing from Routers”
What is an SDN?
Data Plane: forward traffic
Control Plane: Compute routing tables
Today: Control + Data on routes
SDN: 1. Logically centralized control 2. network-wide control
Advantages of SDN
- Coordination
- Evolve
- Reasoning
All of these characteristics are rooted in the fact that the control plane is separate from the data plane
This allows to provide CS techniques to networking problems
SDN infrastracture
Control Plane: Software Program (Python, C)
Data Plane: Programmable hardware (“switch”)
SDN Applications
Data centers Backbone networks Enterprise networks Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) Home Networks
Job of Control Plane
To compute state that ultimately ends up in the data plane
Control Plane
Logic that controls forwarding behavior
Examples: routing protocols, configuration for network middleboxes
Data Plane
Forward traffic according to control plane
Examples: forwarding, switching
Why is separating data and control a good idea
- Independent evolution
- > software & hardware can evolve independently - Control from high-level program
- > debug/check behavior more easily
Opportunities for better network management (separation of control and data plane)
- Data centers: VM migration
- Routing: More control over decision logic
- Enterprise networks: security
- Research: coexistence w/production
Reasons for separating data and control
- Independent evolution of data and control plane
- Separating vendor hardware from control logic
- Easier reasoning about network behavior
Example of where SDN can provide huge wins
Data Centers
Problem: Provisioning/migration in response to load
Solution: Program switch state from a central database