9. Respiratory pathology Non-neoplastic Flashcards
Normal respiratory tree
Trachea Bronchi Right Lung: Upper, middle and lower lobe Left Lung: Upper and lower lobe Diaphragm
The respiratory system
Upper airways: nose, accessory air sinuses, nasopharynx, larynx
Lower airways: trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, terminal bronchioles, alveoli
Trachea and bronchi
Trachea and bronchi have cartilage in wall.
Bronchioles have smooth muscle in the wall.
Mechanics of breathing
Upper airways warm, humidify and filter air, air carried through the respiatory tree down into trachea, through bronchioles, into alveoli, where gas exchnage takes place….
General overview
Obstructive disorders Infections Restrictive Vascular disorders Expansion disorders Miscellaneous
Obstructive disorders
COPD – bronchitis/emphysema
Chest wall abnormalities
Connective tissue disorders
Vascular disorders
Pulmonary oedema
Pulmonary embolism
Expansion disorders
Respiratory failure
Infection upper airways
Definition: acute inflammatory process that affects mucous membranes of the respiratory tract
Includes: rhinitis, laryngitis, tonsilitis sinusitis
Symptoms: malaise, headache, sore throat, discharge
Commonly viral
Can get secondary bacterial infection
Lower airways: infectionPNEUMONIA
Definition: Inflammation of the lung parenchyma - Consolidation of the affected part - Exudate with inflammatory cells and fibrin in the alveolar air spaces Causes: infectious agents inhalation of chemicals chest wall trauma Categories Setting: Community acquired Hospital acquired Aspiration pneumonia Chronic pneumonia Necrotizing pneumonia and lung abscesses Pneumonia in the immunocompromised host
Clinical features/course Fever, rigours, SOB, pleuritic chest pain, purulent sputum, cough Morphology: Lobar Multifocal/lobular (bronchopneumonia) Interstitial (focal diffuse)
Community acquired pneumonia
Relatively common, especially in elderly population
Strep. pnuemoniae most common organism
Haemophilus influenzae
Staph aureus- complicates viral infection and in IVDU
Lobar or bronchopneumonia
Hospital acquired pneumonia
Aka nosocomial pneumonia
Any pneumonia contracted by patient at least 48-72hrs after admission
Usually bacterial- gram negative bacilli and Staph aureus
Severe and can be fatal- most common cause of death in ITU
Increased white cell count
Cough with purulent sputum
Chest X-ray changes
Aspiration pneumonia
Develops after inhalation of foreign material.
Elderly, Strokes, Dementia, Anaesthetic
Usually right middle and right lower lobe
Oral flora +/- other bacteria
Obstructive disease
Characterised by partial or complete obstruction at any level from the trachea to respiratory bronchioles
PFT: limitation of maximal airflow rate during forced expiration FEV1