9. Remedies for Breach of Leasehold Covenants Flashcards
Liability for tenants wrt covenants in an OLD LEASE
- The original tenant remains liable for covenants under the lease for the full term (regardless of whether they have assigned)
- Allowing landlord to sue original tenant (privity of contract) and current tenant (privity of estate)
- Landlord can also sue intervening tenants under privity of contract if they gave the landlord a direct covenant on the assignment
Liability for tenants in NEW leases wrt tenant covenants
the original tenant is released from liability from covenant as soon as it assigns the lease to another tenant. The current tenant is liable under s 3 of the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995
How can a landlord ensure the original tenant remains liable for breaches of tenant covenants on a NEW lease?
Landlord can require outgoing tenant enters into an AGA (as a condition for the landlord’s consent to the assignment)
What is an AGA
promise by outgoing tenant that it will be liable for breaches of covenants in the lease by the incoming assignee
How long does an AGA last for?
The AGA lasts for the duration of the assignee’s ownership of the lease (so, if there is a further assignment, the previous AGA is no longer relevant)
Main remedies for breach of tenant’s covenant to pay rent
- Action in Debt
- Pursuing guarantors
- Pursuing former tenants
- Deducting from rental deposit
- Forfeiture
Notice requirements for CRAR
Landlord must give 7 days notice of its intention to enter
Can the landlord personally remove the tenant’s belongings under CRAR?
Must use enforcement agency to enter and remove certain goods
What goods can / cannot be taken if a CRAR is pursued?
items and equipment up to value of 1350 necessary for tenant’s business like computers and telephones
- items not owned by tenant
items OWNED by tenant
- not in the above exemption category
If CRAR is pursued and the tenant continues to leave the arrears unpaid, what will the landlord do?
If tenant does not pay the arrears, landlord may sell the goods at a public auction and tenant must be given 7 clear days of notice for the sale
Procedure for a debt action + limitations
Non- payment of rent is a debt and so if the current tenant, or one of the other parties mentioned above is liable for the rent, it can be recovered through the High Court or County Court.
- The Limitation Act 1980 puts a limitation of six years on recovery of rent.
If a landlord wants to pursue the guarantor of a current tenant to recover a debt, what must be in place?
Guarantor must have entered in written guarantee to pay rent if tenant does not pay and is required to indemnify landlord against loss caused by / breaches of covenant from tenant
Pursuing former tenant under an AGA for breach of rent payment covenant: procedure
- issue s 17 notice (default notice) to recover a fixed charge
- Default notice must be served within 6 months of the current tenant’s breach (can only recover sums falling within 6 months of the notice being served)
What would an overriding lease be granted?
Where the landlord does serve a default notice on a former tenant or its guarantor, that person may be able to regain some control over the property by paying the sum claimed under the default notice and then calling for an ‘overriding lease’,
- headlease between landlord and former tenant/guarantor slotting between landlord and defaulting tenant
- this former tenant / guarantor acquires rights of landlord and can terminate lease in accordance with the remedies relevant
When can a rent deposit be used as a remedy for a breach of the covenant to pay rent?
- if there is a deposit and rent deed highlights it can be drawn from in case of rent non-payment
- landlord need not go to court to do this