9. Index Numbers Flashcards
What is the fixed base method of calculating index number?
In the fixed base method a base year is selected and all subsequent changes are measured against this base.
What is the chain base method of calculating index numbers?
Changes are calcul;ated with respect to the value of the item in the period immediately before.
The measures of the change in monetary value of a group of items over time are called?
Price indices.
What are volume(quantity) indices?
The change in the non-monetary values of a group of items over time.
What is the formula for base weighted price index?
Sum of [w x P1/Po / Sum of w]
w = Weights using base year values P1 = Prices in current year Po = Prices in the base year
How is the base weighted price index different from the current weighted price index.
The current price index uses the change in price of a basket of goods to weight the rice rises by the quantity currently being purchased.