9. Fundamentals of Communications and Networking Flashcards
What are the 2 types of networks?
Local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN)
What are the 2 types of network topologies?
Bus and star
Describe the set up of a bus topology.
Nodes are connected in a daisy chain along a single central communications channel.
Describe the set up of a star network.
A central node of hub provides a common connection point.
What are the features of a bus network?
- Requires CSMA/CD technology to prevent crashes- Data sent in one direction at a time- Terminator connected to the end of the backbone to prevent signals bouncing back
What is the difference between a hub and a switch?
The hub broadcasts the messages to everyone on the LAN, whereas the switch only broadcasts to the intended recipient
What is a server?
A powerful computer which provides services or resources requested by clients. Like the waiter.
What is a client?
Computer which does the requesting.
What are the 2 types of networks?
Client-server, and P2P
What are the features of a client server network?
- Central server is used to manage security- Some files are held on the central server to save retrieval time- Some of the processing is done by the server- Client requests- Requires specialist to administer network
What are the features of a P2P network?
- Suitable for small computers- No central servers- All computers can easily see each others files- No server required for comms- Data is futile
What is P2P commonly used for?
Illegal data streaming (torrent)/file sharing sites
What is the cloud?
A remote server run by organisations such as Dropbox or Microsoft
What is a common serial data cable?
What is a common parallel data cable?
Ribbons used to connect internal components.
What are the features of serial transmission?
Bits are sent one by one in a single direction along a single data line.
What are the features of parallel transmission?
- Several bits are sent at once along separate lines- Only works well up to 2m- Skew and crosstalk are disadvantages
What is skew?
When the bits of data are sent along parallel transmission cables and arrive at different times due to faults in wires - data is received corrupted
What is crosstalk?
EM interference corrupting the data during transmission (more common in parallel to the amount of wires)
What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous transmission?
In sync, all data is transmitted in time with the clock. In async, bytes of data is sent as soon as there is available space.
What is the issue with async?
Although cheaper, the transmission is slower.
What is the pro of async?
Includes a parity bit, which provides error detection.
What is latency?
The delay between the first byte being sent and received.
What are some common elements of protocol?
- Rate of transmission- Data format- Error checking
How do you calculate the bit rate?
Bit rate = baud rate x number of bits per signal
What are the key elements of networked devices?
WAP (+ router + modem), NIC, MAC, SSID
What is a WAP?
Wireless network access point.
What is a NIC?
Network interface card.
What is the SSID?
Name of the network (e.g. BT-PWTSK)
How are collision prevented?
With the use of CSMA/CD
What feature does CSMA include?
RTS/CTS (request to send, clear to send)
How can you secure networks?
Using WPA, WPA2 or MAC address whitelists
Describe a client server network.
Where networked computers (clients) are connected to one of more powerful computers (servers) that handle service requests and has resources.
Describe a logical bus topology.
A network arrangement where every host computer is connected to a single main data cable