9 - Cranial Nerves I - VI Flashcards
What do the cranial nerves supply in general?
- Part of the PNS and supply structures of the head and neck, apart from the vagus nerve which supplies structures in thorax and abdomen
- 12 pairs

Where are the majority of cranial nerve nuclei found?
BRAINSTEM - which is the area of cardiorespiratory control and consciousness

How can you remember all of the names of the cranial nerves?
Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Says Big Brains Matter More

Which of the following cranial nerves are:
- Purely sensory?
- Carry autonomics?
- Sensory (all special sensory): Vestibulocochlear (VIII), Optic (II), Olfactory (I) [1,2,7]
- Efferent autonomics: Oculomotor (III), Facial (VII), Glossopharyngeal (IX), Vagus (X) []
What is the function, path and origin of CNI?

How would you test cranial nerve I and what would cause this nerve to be damaged?

Test: not often but sense of smell one nostril at a time
Anosmia: common cold due to swollen nasal cavity, head injury (shearing or basilar fracture), tumours as base of frontal lobe
What is the function, path and origin of CNII?
- After the optic chiasm the fibres from both eyes start to mix and go down the optic tract
- Travels back to occipital lobe to get to primary visual cortex to be percieved

What makes the first two cranial nerves, olfactory and optic, different from the other ten?
They are paired anterior extensions of the forebrain, not originating from the brain stem

How would you test CNII?

Why do you get photophobia in meningitis?
The optic nerve carries an extension of the meninges so this is irritated so when stimulating this nerve it causes pain
What are some ways the optic nerve can be damaged?
- Different lesions lead to different visual pathway issues, e.g one eye affected if retina or optic nerve affect
- Retinal detachment, optic neuritis, stroke
How would a pituitary tumour affect the optic nerve?
Would compress optic chiasm and cause bitemporal hemianopia

Although the optic nerve originates in the forebrain, what is it’s connection with the midbrain?
In the visual pathway
Communication of optic tract with brainstem

What is the function, path and origin of CNIII?
- Motor and Autonomic
- Parasympathetic: sphincter and cilliary muscles
- From midbrain
How would you test CNIII and how can this nerve be injured?