9. Counting Hundreds To Billions Flashcards
When counting by 100, the numbers from 100 to 900 end as san.
What is 200 in Creole?
What is 600?
De san
Sis san
What number is Sèt san karann-de?
What number is Nèf san trantuit?
You should never say “en san” for a hundred. Just San!
For example, 138 in Creole is simply san trantuit, not en san trantuit.
When counting by 1000, numbers from 1000 to 900,000 end as mil
How much is:….
- De mil
- Sis san mil
- Sèt san karann-de mil
- 2000
- 600 000
- 742 000
How much is…….
- 700 200
- 700 231
- Sèt san mil, de san
5. Sèt san mil, de san tranteyen
The Creole word for a million is milyon.
The Creole word for a billion is milya.
It is best practice to simply say mil for one thousand instead of en mil
For example, 1038 in Creole is simply mil trantuit, not en mil trantuit.
The key difference is that you must say en milyon for a one million and en milya for one billion.
- 1 200 000
- One million two hundred thousand twenty
- En milya kat san milyon de san mil
- En milyon de san mil
- En milyon de san mil ven
- One billion four hundred million two hundred thousand