9 Centers Flashcards
What does the “CROWN / HEAD CENTER” do?
The head center answers 3 primary questions - “how”, “what if” and “prove it to me” and the purpose of this center is to imagine, and dream about possibilities. Not to figure things out.
Other functions of the head center
> IT is a place for inspiration and ideas
> There’s also pressure there to “figure things out”
> Could be influenced by ideas of others
Use strategy to know which ideas to take action on.
What does the “Ajna” do?
The Ajna is for processing and analyzing information. This is where we store thoughts, concepts and belief systems. This is mostly open and when it’s open it is beautifully designed to understand information and beliefs from multiple perspectives.
Consequently people who have this center open often under pressure to hold on to fixed ideas and belives so that they can feel “certain” about information
> Designed to be open minded
> Unlimited perspectives
> Wise about data analysis
> Struggles with certainty
> May struggle to remember data
What does the “THROAT” Center do?
The throat center is for communication and manifestation into action. The throat center is the center where we translate ideas and possibilities as well as energy for “doing” into words.
In HDx the name of the game is to get as much energy to the Throat as possible.
When you have a motor to your throat you can initiate conversations and certain actions in a way that’s right for your type.
Having a non motorized throat center means you do best in conversations and interactions where other people give you something to respond to or ask a question first.
What does the “Will” Center (Heart/Ego)? do?
The job of the Will center is . courage, power and value creation through owning yourself (alignment, self-love, self-worth)
This center is responsible for material value/money/resources and where your self-worth lives but also creating sustainability.
Sustainability here is about being connected to your authentic self not operating your worth from metrics such as numbers or body.
> Where you honor setting boundaries because you “value” yourself enough for self-care
> The will center is a work:rest energy center and used more when you’re doing the shitty things so make sure you rest and go back to doing more aligned things to recharge
What is the “High Expression” of the CROWN and “Low Expression”
What is the “High Expression” of the EGO/WILL CENTER”
High Expression:
> Setting boundaries because you love yourself enough to value self-care without guilt (working off-hours for your clients, doing extras that eat into your time and energy)
> Loving the process of growth rather than putting your love into the metrics (Sales, money in the bank account)
> Sticking to your values, standards and principles when pushed (by someone, pressure by circumstances)
> Owning your wins, and what you do WITHOUT negating language or downplaying
> Embracing that you have big goals and each stage is a journey and each failure is an opportunity to grow
> Embodying your “shadows” & “things deep within you” where you are aware, and they are holding you back and facing them head on to release and heal
> Getting help when you need it because the ego loves themselves they know help is supporting them towards the bigger mission and pride is not holding them back
What are the LOW expressions of the EGO/WILL center?
> Not getting help or accepting help
> You do things out of spite - I can do this better than them so I’ll do it on my own
> Comparison and jealousy of others
> Not owning your wins, always negating your wins
> not owning what you do, negating your results with “but” “it’s just”
> Compromising on your standards and values - ex: dropping your price to make a sale, pushing too hard for someone to join who’s not a fit
> Letting your boundaries break taking up your self care time
> Seeking validation from others (saying things to get attention to make you feel better, posting and expecting a metric amount of engagement, basing your worth on only metrics of sales)
> Solely basing your success on metrics (money) rather than growth and process of growth
What does it mean when a “WILL” center is defined?
> When the will center is defined it’s designed to WORK then REST.
> This means you have consistent access to this energy and you’re the “just do it” type person
> People can project promises onto you so you have to be careful in what you take on because you “believe” you can just do it or fit it in. Use your strategy and authority to determine
> You energetically empower others who are around you because of your ability to WILL your way to get things done
What does it mean when the WILL center is UNDEFINED?
When you have an undefined will center it means you don’t have consistent access to this energy. And it’s important to use your strategy and authority to make agreements and promises. Because if you don’t, you use up energy you don’t have and run the risk of entering the wrong situations feeling obligated to make yourself follow through.
Also you have to follow your strategy because you can take on other people’s will power by modeling it, be cautious to manage your energy and your root when you do and know what’s your energy and what’s not.
> Questions value and worth
Struggles with self-discipline
Under pressure to prove worth and value
Comparison and self-judgement
Susceptible to burnout
What are the gates in the SACRAL?
59 - Sustainability
9 - Convergence
3 - Innovation
42 - Conclusion
27 - Accountability
34 - Power
5 - Consistency
14 - Creation
29 - Devotion
What are the gates of the SPLEEN?
Gate 48 - Wisdom
Gate 57 - Instinct
Gate 44 - Truth
Gate 50 - Nurturing
Gate 32 - Endurance
Gate 28 - Adventure/Challenge
Gate 18 - Re-alignment
What does the “ROOT” center do?
The root center is the pressure center for getting things done now or later. And how you handle pressure
What does the “SACRAL” center do
The Sacral center is the lifeforce energy to do work and also is a decision making center that answers Y/N that can guide you in what lights you up
What is Low Expression of the THROAT?
> Burnout from not following strategy
Struggle for recognition and attention
Feels invisible / not heard
Thyroid issues
What does Open “THROAT” Mean?
You need an external source to amplify your communication. An open throat is here to be wise about communication and action.
What does a DEFINED ROOT Mean?
A defined root means… you get things done depending on where it’s connected to (Sacral or ESP)
If it’s connected to the Sacral then you will get it done when the formatting energies line up
If it’s connected to the ESP then when you sense the timing or when things feel right you’ll get it done.
What does an OPEN ROOT Mean?
When it’s open this means, you have the pressure to get things done, and you take the pressure/adrenaline from outside of you and amplify it. People with an open root have a hard time relaxing when they have unfinished tasks.