9/30 - Brainstem Nuclei in the Medulla-Pons Flashcards
Is the spinal tract of V an ascending or Descending tract?
Does it get larger or smaller as you go up rostrally?
Due to fact that Spinal Tract of V is a descending fiber tract, is larger at more rostral levels.
The Spinal Tract of V is getting larger as we go rostrally due to the fact that it enters the brainstem at the level of the pons and descends to the medulla. Thus as we move, rostrally, we will encounter more and more of these axons.
Are the Fasciculus gracilis and the Fasciculus cuneatus ascending or descending tracts?
they are both ascending tracts
Cranial Nerves
Caudal Medulla
Closed medulla
Related to Central Canal
Rostral Medulla
Open Medulla
Dorsal Surface Opens To 4th Ventricle
The pyramids are formed by ____ .
a large group of axons coursing between the cerebral cortex and the spinal cord called the Cortiocspinal Tract.
At the pyramids’ most caudal end, just above the spinal cord, the midline groove that separates the right and left pyramidal tract (the Anterior Median Fissure) seems to blur and become less distinct on the cross section. Why?
That is because the axons in this fiber tract cross the midline at this level forming the pyramidal decussation.
Are the pyramids on the ventral or dorsal surface of the brain?
Are they Motor or Sensory?
The pyramids are Ventral and motor.
Above the obex, the medulla is called “_____”.
Above the obex, the medulla is called “open”.
Fasciculus Gracilis
Fiber tract carrying input to Nucleus Gracilis
Fasciculus Cuneatus
Fiber tract carrying input to Nucleus Cuneatus
Fiber tract carrying input to Spinal Nucleus of V
Do nucleus gracilis and cuneatus relay the same kind of sensory information the Spinal V does?
No, they carry different kinds of sensory information
The olivary tubercle is over what nucleus?
the Inferior olive
Are the inferior olives on the ventral or dorsal surface of the brain?
Are they Motor or Sensory?
The inferior olives are Ventral and motor.
What changes do you see dorsally between section at transition from spinal cord to medulla and caudal medulla?
- Fasciculus gracilis gets much smaller (almost gone) and nucleus gracilis enlarges suggesting fiber tract is ending.
- Fasciculus cuneatus is getting smaller and nucleus cuneatus is emerging.
- Spinal tract of V is getting larger. Nucleus still prominent. Due to fact that this is descending fiber tract that is larger at more rostral levels.
Chaacteristics of a Rostral Medulla Cross Section
A wide, large V-shaped depression on the dorsal (top) part of the cross section, representing the 4th ventricle. This depression is much more profound than that of the narrow Posterior Median Fissure, which is visible at more caudal levels.
The inferior olivary nucleus is expanded and it forms a large, obvious, squiggly-shaped protuberance on the ventral surface of the medulla.
Long/Deep Incision on the ventral (bottom) half of the cross section, representing the Anterior Median Fissure.
This incision gets much shorter as you descend past the pyramidal decussation towards the spinal cord.
Cross Section and Gross Brain
4th ventricle is evident.
Begin to see cranial nerve nuclei for the first time.
Nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus are no longer present.
Spinal tract of V very prominent; Spinal nucleus of V is obscured by large fiber tract but still present.
.On the gross brainstem, 2 new elevations are in the floor of the 4th ventricle. The medial one is the hypoglossal trigone and the lateral bump is the vagal trigone. The names tell you that these bumps are related to cranial nerves X, the vagus, and cranial nerve XII, the hypoglossal.
How does the position of structures change from the Spinal Cord through the Brainstem
As the brainstem develops, the 4th ventricle “opens” the brainstem. Structures that were located dorsally in the spinal cord are moved laterally whereas structures that were ventral move dorsal and medial. Visceral structures remain between somatic motor and somatic sensory nuclei.
Nuclei concerned with somatic motor function are generally located ______ .
Nuclei concerned with somatic motor function are generally located on the Midline (few exceptions) in the brainstem.
Nuclei concerned with somatic sensory function will generally be located ____.
Nuclei concerned with somatic sensory function will generally be located laterally in the brainstem.
Nuclei related to visceral functions (motor or sensory) are located _____.
Nuclei related to visceral functions (motor or sensory) are intermediate.
Visceral structures remain between somatic motor and somatic sensory nuclei.
Motor –> Medial
Sensory –> Lateral
Which Cranial Nerves are associated with the Nucleus Ambiguous?
IX, Glossopharyngeal
X, Vagus
XI, Spinal Accessory