9/18/23 Flashcards
What are the groups of canines?
There are 7 groups of canines:
Working Group
Herding group
Hound Group
Sporting Group
Non-Sporting Group
Toy Group
Terrier Group
Describe a Labrador Retriever
Personality: Active, Friendly, Outgoing
Group: Sporting
Size: Large
Characteristics: Good with children and other dogs
Life Expectancy: 11-13 years
Trainability: Eager to Please
Activity Level: Needs lots of activity
Other breeds within the group: Golden Retriever
Describe a Belgian Malinois
Personality: Confident, smart, hardworking
Group: Herding
Size: Large
Characteristics: Children → with supervision, Other dogs → with supervision
Life Expectancy: 14-16 years
Trainability: Eager to please
Activity Level: Energetic
Describe a Siberian Husky
Personality: loyal, outgoing, mischievous
Group: Working
Size: medium
Characteristics: good with children, good with dogs
Life Expectancy: 12-14 years
Trainability: agreeable
Activity Level: needs lots of activity
Describe a Dalmatian
Personality: dignified, outgoing, smart
Group: Non-sporting
Size: medium
Characteristics: children → with supervision, dogs → with supervision
Life Expectancy: 11-13 years
Trainability: easy training
Activity Level: energetic
Describe an Airedale Terrier
Personality: friendly, courageous, clever
Group: Terrier
Size: Medium (largest of terrier breeds)
Characteristics: good with children → supervision, good with dogs → supervision
Life Expectancy: 11-14 years
Trainability: known for stubbornness and independence, but if you work with them consistently they can be very trainable
Activity Level: can be high energy
Describe a Basset Hound
Personality: charming, patient, low-key
Group: hound
Size: medium
Characteristics: Good with children, good with other dogs
Life Expectancy: 12-13 years
Trainability: agreeable
Activity Level: calm
Describe a Poodle
Personality: intelligent, agile, self-confident
Group: toy
Size: extra small
Characteristics: good with children, good with dogs → supervision
Life Expectancy: 10-18 years
Trainability: eager to please
Activity Level: Energetic
Describe a Domestic Longhair/Shorthair Feline
Often considered “mutt” due to unknown lineage
Generally medium size with round face and sleek, soft short coat
Favored as mousers and considered hard working
Life expectancy: 12-14 years
Describe an American Shorthair Feline
Personality: gentle, affectionate, playful, easygoing, curious
11-15 lbs (males)
6-12 lbs (females)
Length: 12-15 inch
Origin: United States
Life expectancy: 15-20 years
Describe a Siamese Feline
Personality: sociable, friendly, vocal
Up to 14 lbs
Up to 24 inch
Origin: Thailand
Life expectancy: up to 12 years
Describe a Maine Coon Feline
Personality: amiable, gentle, dog-like
Avg. 9-18 lbs (males can reach 20)
Length: 19-30 inch
Origin: United States
Life expectancy: 12-15 years
Describe a Ragdoll Feline
Personality: friendly, easygoing, cuddly, social
Up to 20 lbs
Up to 40 inches
Origin: California, USA
Life expectancy: up to 17 years
Describe a Russian Blue Feline
Personality: friendly and intelligent but aloof, may be reclusive around strangers
Up to 12 lbs
Up to 24 inches
Origin: Russia
Life expectancy: up to 20 years
Describe a Bengal Feline
Personality: affectionate, energetic, animated
Avg. 12 lbs, can reach 20 lbs
Up to 18 inches
Origin: United States
Life expectancy: up to 15 years
Fun Fact: breed was originally created by mating domestic breeds to Asian leopard cat