9 Flashcards
biscuit 🍪
饼干 3 1
How come…? (rhetorical question) ნუთუ
难道 2 4
must, have to
🉐 3
to insist, persist ✊
坚持 1 2
(firm + hold/maintain)
to give up [don’t🫵🏻]
放弃 4 4
(let go + abandon)
idea, plan 💡
主意 3 -
(to own + idea/wish/thought)
tennis 🎾
网球 3 2
(net + ball)
国际 2 4
(countries + among/between)
relaxed, effortless
轻松 1 1
(light + loose)
to win 🥇
赢 2
radical: 贝(bèi) - money/valuables
casual, at random, as one wishes
随便 2 4
according to/to follow + handy/convinient
სიტყვა სიტყვით: როგორც უფრო მოსახერხებელია
sweat 💦
汗 4
through, by means of (მეშვეობით)
通过 1 4
m.w. for articles, writings
篇 1
writer ✍️
作家 4 1
then,at that time (მაშინ)
当时 1 2
but, however
可是 3 4
right,correct ✅
正确 4 4
理想 3 3
brave 🫀
勇敢 3 3
结果 2 3
to fail
失败 1 4
course, process
过程 4 2
at least (как минимум)
至少 4 3
to sum up
总结 3 2
to gain, obtain, seek
取 3
to go through, experience
(ოღონდ უფრო ფიზიკური და არა სკილის/ცოდნისმიერი)
经历 1 4
many, plenty of
许多 3 1
difference, distinction
区别 1 2
temporary, for the time being
暂时 4 2
to face, confront
面对 4 4