9-13-2016 (2) Flashcards
marketed drug name
Generic: Propoven or Lipuro
Propofol function
short-acting sedative
Propofol uses
General anesthesia, sedation for mechanical ventilation pt.’s, procedural sedation.
propofol durations of action
5-10 minutes
onset action of propofol
15-30 seconds
biological half-life of propofol
30-60 seconds
Propofol is metabolized in the _______.
side effects of propofol
1) pain on injection
2) blood pressure drops
3) apnea (respiratory depressant)
4) mild myoclonia
propofol is prepared by __________
emulsifier of soya oil and propofol
chemically propofol is:
pH: 6-8.5
propofol is administered __________
NOTE: pain on injection is a side effect-lidocaine injection can remedy the pain prior to injection.
rare symptom of propofol
propofol infusion syndrome
Propofol infusion syndrome
high doses and chronic usage
1) High blood potassium
2) High triglycerides
3) Liver enlargement
4) Rhabdomyolytis
rhab: striated
myo: muscle
lytis: breakdown
indicators: tea-colored urine, high creatine kinase levels
Horst Schulze
“If a mistake happens once it may be the fault of the employee. If it happens twice, it is most likely the fault of the system”
“Perspective can only be achieved if you put yourself in a position to see the problem from a different point of origin.”
Peter Kozodoy, Forbes