(9 & 10) State and Local Gov 1 & 2 Flashcards
Journal Entry to record the execution of a capital lease in Gov funds. (current financial resources measurement)
DR: Capital Outlay
CR: Other Financing Sources
PV rate X NBV
J/E to record a first payment of a capital lease at year end.
DR: Debt Service Expenditure - Principal
DR: Debt Service Expenditure - Interest
CR: Cash
The amounts are calculated as follows: interest rate X the PV of capital lease.
J/E to record Depr of Cap lease in gov fund financial reporting
Depre is not recorded as current resources measurement focus used for gov funds doesnt include recognition of non-current assets, thererore no depr is recognized.
J/E to record supplies inventory under fund accounting
DR: Inventory
CR: Fund Balance - Non-spendable
J/E to record supplies expnditure
DR: Expenditures
CR: Cash
Based on amounts purchased, not amounts used.
Formula to Reconcile Governament Fund Balance Sheet to the Governament-wide Statement of Net Position:
(CAN) \+Capital assets -Related accumulated depr. -Non-current liabilities \+Service fund net position \+Internal service fund \+Transfers
Formula to Reconcile Government Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance to the Gov-wide Statement of Activities:
(CPA'S) (RIDES IT) \+Capital outlays \+Principal payments -Assets disposure -SubTract other financing sources
\+Recognize revenue earned \+Interest expense \+Depr expense \+Entry for Consolidation \+Service Fund (Internally) \+Interfund \+Transfers
Where does GASB Statement No. 34, Basic Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis for State and Local Governments, require fund financial statements for major funds to be presented?
The major fund financial statements are presented before the notes to the financial statements, as part of the basic financial statements, not RSI.
Which is the measurement focus of government-wide statements:
GASB 34 requires the economic resources measurement focus and accrual basis of accounting for all amounts in the government-wide financial statements.
When do encumbrances increase?
When PO’s are approved