9/10 Readings Flashcards
Clinical decision support systems
Uses a knowledge base and programmed rules, protocols, and evidence-based guidelines to match against patient data in the EHR to deliver alerts or recommendations to the provider.
Can improve patient care through the reduction of medication errors, increase adherence to best practice protocols, and decrease costs.
Users may become dependent on the system and not use own judgment and critical thinking.
Electronic Healthcare Records
Gives administration tools to manage budgets, staffing, quality initiatives, and productivity information. They create reports that track data over short term or long term periods.
Presents information about a healthcare facility’s key performance indicators and displays information in an easy-to-read format, often with charts and graphs. EHRs help collect this data.
International Classification of Disease
ICD codes
Used to report inpatient procedures and medical diagnosis.
Healthcare Common Procedure Coding
Two coding levels
Level one: CPT (current procedural terminology)
Describes surgical, medical, and diagnostic services; hearing and vision services, transporting services, and OT/PT services.
Level two: a wide array of services
Durable medical equipment, outpatient chemo drugs, medical supplies, orthotics and prosthetics.
Finding unique solutions to unique problems when traditional interventions are not effective. Thinking outside the box to find interventions that best help the treatment of the patient.
Evidence Based Practice
A response to intensifying public and professional demands for safety and high quality improvement in healthcare.
Using the best evidence to reduce inappropriate variations in healthcare and to facilitate the standardization of safe, effective healthcare practices.
Three components of EBP
The best evidence from the most current research possible.
The nurses clinical expertise.
The patients preferences, which reflects values, needs, interests and choices.
Translation research
A systematic approach on converting research knowledge into applications of healthcare for improved patient outcomes.
Allows for enhanced human health, particularly when information flows back and forth between researchers and clinicians, allowing for further investigation of diseases and their effects on humans.
Integrative Medicine
This term has replaced CAM. It combines the principles of CAM with conventional medicine approaches.
Establishing the best practices for promoting health and healing by way of combining evidence-based therapies with holistic approaches to healthcare.
Nursing research
Use of systematic and strict scientific process to analyze phenomena of interest to all areas of nursing, including practice of education and administration.
Nursing clinical research
Seeks answers to questions that will ultimately improve patient care.
Quantitative research
Uses precise measurement to collect data and analyze is statistically for a summary and a description of the resulting findings or to test relationships among variables.
Qualitative research
Investigates a question through narrative data that’s explores the subjective experiences of human beings and can provide nursing with a better understanding of the patients perspective.
Research participants
Volunteers for a specific study project who meet all the inclusion criteria, have been informed of all aspects of the study and have given informed consent.