8S1 End Of Year Exam Revision Flashcards
What is a mouth of a river?
Where the river ends and meets a larger body of water.
What is the river source?
Where the river starts
What is a confluence
Where a tributary meets a main river
What has happened to the global air temperature over the past million years?
The global air temperature has fluctuated .
Name three green house gases:
Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Carbon Dioxide
Are there any current impacts on the UK from climate change and what are they?
Yes and there are more and more heat waves.
What is a positive impact of climate change?
Growing foods and vegetables.
Why are the Maldivian government concerned about climate change?
They are only 1.5 metres above sea level,
Scientists predict that they will be fully submerged within 50- 100 years.
They’d have to relocate around 410,000 people
How much would the sea level increase if the Antarctic ice sheet melted?
It would increase sea level by about 58 metres.
Name two sustainable features of bedzed.
They have 30cm of insulation.
It is south facing to get as much sun light in to save as much energy possible.
Balconies with space to grow plants.
Solar panels are fitted on the roof and top of balconies.
What is onshore wind power?
The power that is generated by turbines that are on land.
What is offshore wind power.
When energy is generated from turbines that are on the sea.
What is an environmental reason that the Swansea bay tidal lagoon is not being built.
Because the sea levels would be changed and can affect the wild life around it.
What is a disadvantage of solar energy?
It depends on how much sunlight is there.
What is a dissadvantage of wind power?
It can be quite noisy.
Spoil the view.
Harm the wildlife around it.
What is a disadvantage of hydroelectric power.
They have a flood risk.
Impact on fish
What does HEP stand for?
Hydroelectric power.
How does hydroelectirc power generate energy?
Water is trapped by a dam,
It is pushed through tunnels where water spins turbines to generate energy
How does solar energy generate energy?
- Mirrors direct the suns energy to a boiler on top of a tower.
- The concentrated sunlight converts water into steam.
- The hot steam powers a generator to produce electricity.
Locate four cold environment around the world
Himalayas K2 mountain, Cotopaxi volcan, Logan Mountains, kilamanjaro.
How do glacial budgets impact rates of erosion and movement of ice?
The weight of compacted ice makes it move downhill and as it does, it erodes its valley.
What is abrasion?
The process of rock fragments scrapingor wearing something away.
What is plucking?
When melt water at the basin freezes on the rock then as the glacier moves it extracts pieces of the rock.
How does erosion and weathering create a corrie?
A glacier forms on a mountain hollow, the glacier moves in rotational movement, as it does this, the hollow is weathered by abrasion and plucking. Pieces of rock from the glacier gathers at the lip of the corrie called moraine.
How are U shaped valleys made?
A river erodes its river bank which creates a V shaped valley, a glacier then forms and moves downhill,truncating and eroding the interlocking spurs making it a U shape.
What impacts would melting ice have on the earth and people.
It ecomonic effects, more demand for jobs, higher sea level.
What evidence is there that the global climate is changing .
In the past 100 years, the average global temperature raised by 1.0 degrees, rising sea levels, heat waves.
What is the floodpain
The land either side of the river which may flood if the river overflows.
What is the river valley?
An area with higher ground on either side where a river run through.
What is a tributary?
A smaller river connecting to a main river
What is a river watershed?
It is an area of higher ground of a river basin.
What is a river basin.
The area inside of a watershed where all the rain water is drained.
What is the source of the river?
Where the river starts.
What is attrition?
Rocks being carried by the river smash together and break into smaller and smoother particles
What is solution?
Soluble rocks are dissolved into the river which are carried down.
Explain how a corrie is formed in 6 steps.
- A glacier forms on a hollow on a mountain.
- Melt water fills the cracks of the mountain which freeze and loosen the cracks.
- The rotational slip of the glacier plucks the loose rocks.
- The rocks in the glacier abrade the mountain largening the hollow.
- Rocks gather at the lip of the corrie called moraine and acts as a dam for the melt water.
- The glacier melts and the melt water left is called a tarn.
What is are the top five countries with the highest CO2 emissions?
3. India
4. Russia
How much will the Swansea bay tidal lagoon cost?
£1.3 billion
Name three resources of evidence of climate chamge?
Tree rings, ice cores, historical resources.
What are the three primary causes for sea level rise?
Thermal expansion, melting mountain glaciers, inland ice.
What is an advantage of solar energy?
They can be fitted on small houses.
When and where will a river have the most transportation of sedememt?
Whenever it has its most energy, it happenes when its at it upper course and lower course.
Why are rocks smoother, is evidence of rocks being in a river longer.
Because this is evidence of attrition, when rocks in a river hit and rub each other over time, rocks that are sharp means it hasmt gone throigh attrition and is evidence it hasnkt been in the river longer.
What is saltation?
When small pebbles bounce alomg the river bed.
What is an arete.
The knife shape edge when two corries are back to back.
What is a pyramidal peak?
The sharp top when three or more corries are back to back.
What is the natural green house effect?
- Energy from the earth warms up the earths surface,
- Some heat escapes back into space
- Some is trapped by greenhouse gases.
What is the enhanced greenhouse effect?
It is when extra greenhouse gases trap too much of the suns emergy.
What are the four main ways of transportation in a river?
Saltation, solution, suspension, traction.
What is the landforms of a river in the upper course?
Steep sided, shaped like a V, narrow and shallow.
What are some processes of the river in its upper course?
Erosion, attrition, abrasion, hydraulic action.
What are some landforms of a river in its middle course
Meanders, gemtle sloping valley.
What is the process of a river in a middle course?
Whaf are some landforms of a river in its middle course
Ox bow lake, floodplaims,
What is the process of a river in its lower course?
What is freeze thaw?
When water is trapped in cracks, it freezes and expands, eventually breaking the rock apart.
Explain the role of the carbon cycle.
When animals die, they compress into fossil fuels, some carbon returns into the atmosphere, plants take in carbon from the air and animals eat the plants, the ocean takes in large amounts of carbon.
What is traction?
When large rocks are dragged alomg the river bed by the current.
What is suspension?
Where sand particles are held in water but not dissolved and they are transported along with the water.
What is bulldozing in a glacier?
At the fromt of the glacier, rocks and debris are pushed down hill in a straight line.
What is a hanging valley?
A smaller valley is connected to a main valley.