8.2 Theories Of Stratification In Modern Societies Flashcards
Means of Production
The means whereby the production of material goods are carried on in a society, including not just technology but also the social relations between producers
People who own companies, land, or stocks (shares) and use these to generate economic returns
People who sell their labour for wages, according to Marx.
- According to Marx, the relationship between classes is exploitative
Marx + Capitalist
Marx believed a capitalist system would result in increasing class divide until the working class overthrows the capitalism system and replaces it with a classless society
À social system based on everyone owning the means of production and sharing in the wealth it produces
Weber + Class Divisions
According to Weber, class divisions derive from both one’s relationship to the control of the means of production as well as economic differences that are unrelated to property, such as skills and credentials
The social honour or prestige a particular group is accorded by other member of a society
Status groups normally display distinct styles of life — patterns of behaviour that the members of a group follow
Weber + Class
He believed that class can be understood as more of an objective measure, compared to status (which) depends on people’s subjective evaluations of social differences
Weber + How Social classes Differ
Weber argued that social classes also differ with respect to their:
- Power
- Ability to enact change
- Command of ressources
- Make decisions
Kingsley Daivs and Wilbert E. Moore
They argued that social stratification and social inequality are functional because they ensure that the most qualified people, attracted by the rewards society bestows, will fill the roles that are most important to a smoothly functioning society
Erik Olin Wright
Wright incorporated concepts form Marx and Weber to classify 3 dimensions of control over ressources:
- Control over investments or money capital
- Control over the physical means of production (lands/factories/offices)
- Control over labor power
Contradictory Class Locations
Positions in the class structure, particularly routine white-collar and lower managerial jobs, that share characteristics with the class positions both above and below them
2 Factors That Differentiate Class Locations
- The Relationship to Authority
- The Possession of Skills or Expertise
The Relationship to Authority
Many middle-class workers enjoy relationships to authority that are more privileged than those of the working class
The Possession of Skills or Expertise
Middle-class employees possessing skills that are in demand in the labour market earn a higher wage in the capitalist system