8.1 - endcrinology Of the Pancreas Flashcards
What’s the function of the pancreas??
Produce digestive enzymes secreted directly into the duodenum (exocrine action) by acinar and duct tissue
Hormone production (endocrine action) from islets of langerhans
What 5 cells produce which 5 hormones in the pancreas?
Beta cells = insulin Alpha cells = glucagon. PP cells = PP (pancreatic polypeptide) E cells = ghrelin G cells = gastric
Is glucagon catabolic or anabolic?
Catabolic - breaks down stores of carbs and lipids
What is the importance of plasma glucose?
Brain uses glucose at fastest rate in body, and is sensitive to falls or rises in glucose = needs to be controlled.
Renal threshold = the point which glucose appears in the urine 10 mmol/L
What are the shared properties of Insulin and glucagon?
Water soluble hormones
- carried dissolved in plasma
- short 1/2 life
- interact with cell surface receptors on target cells
- receptor with hormone bound can be internalised = inactivation
What is the role of insulin?
Is anti-gluconeoenic
How do B cells synthesise insulin?
1) pre pro insulin is synthesised, cleaved in the rER and folded to form proinsulin
2) pro insulin is transported to Golgi
3) proinsulin is cleaved t produced insulin and C peptide
4) insulin granules sit on the inside of the membrane until change in membrane potential allows Ca2+ influx so they go out
How does insulin secretion affect Katp channels?
No insulin released
- metabolism low
- Katp channels open
- no insulin secreted
- membrane hyperpolarised
- Ca channels closed
Insulin released
- metabolism high
- Katp channels shut
- insulin secretion
- membrane depolarised
- Ca channels open
What are the effects of insulin?
increases glucose uptake into target cells and glycogen synthesis (inserts Glut 4 channel)
- in liver, increases glycogen synthesis by stimulating glycogen formation by inhibiting breakdown
- in muscles, increases AA uptake promoting protein synthesis
- in liver inhibits breakdown of AA
- in adipose tissue increases the storage of triglycerides
How does glucose enter The cell?
Insulin binds to insulin receptor and this causes a change in the shape of the GLUT4 transporter = glucose can enter the cell
What does glucagon do?
- secreted by alpha cells when glucose levels low
- synthesised in rough ER and packaged in granules in Golgi
- effect mainly liver
What’s the structure of insulin?
Two unbranded chains connected by 2 disulphides brides = ensures stability.
2 polypeptide chains and 2 disulphide bridges = Rigid
What’s the structure of glucagon?
1 long polypeptide chains
Flexible, no disulphides bridges
What are the effects of glucagon?
- Increases rate of glycogen breakdown (glycogenolysis)
- stimulates pathway for synthesis of glucose from AA (gluconeogenesis)
- net effect = rise in blood glucose
- stimulates lipolysis to increase plasma fatty acid
Clinically used for a diabetic experiencing hypoglycaemia who cant take sugar orally.
What’s diabetes mellitus?
Group of metabolic diseases
Characterised by
- chronic hyperglycaemia
- leading to long term clinical complications
Associated with elevated glucose levels in urge
How is diabetes mellitus diagnosed?
Based on venous plasma concentration
How is type 1 diabetes mellitus caused?
Type 1 = absolute insulin deficiency
Absolute - autoimmune destruction of pancreatic B cells
Relative - secretory response of B cells is abnormally slow or small (failure to secrete adequate amounts of insulin)
How do Katp channels change in insulin deficiency?
Less ATP sensitive so will remain open when glucose is entering the cell = membrane stays hyper polarised
No insulin released
What is type 2 diabetes mellitus caused by?
Type 2 = normal secretion but peripheral insulin resistance
- defective insulin receptor mechanisms = change in number/affinity
- defective post receptor events e.g tissues become insensitive
- excess/ inappropriate glucagon secretion
Combo of genetic and environmental factors e.g obesity and sedentary lifestyle.
How does insulin resistance in the young occur?
Before 12 = onset of hyperglycaemia and development of overt type 2
Initially = B cells compensate by increasing insulin production so normal blood glucose is maintained
Eventually = B cells unable to maintain increased insulin production - impaired glucose tolerance
Finally = B cell dysfunction leads to relative insulin deficiency - overt type 2 diabetes