81-100 Flashcards
the purpose of this technique is to make the audience think and act in a way that majority follows. This tendency of following the beliefs and actions occurs when audience sees others are also conforming. We see its wage in literature ,politics ,and advertisements ,etc. Bandwagon is in fact a good approach for persuasive writing that successfully works on human minds and psychology
persuasive technique and type of propaganda through which a writer persuades his readers, so that the majority could agree with the argumentative of the writer, suggesting that since majority agrees the readers should too
we can easily find the use of this technique in mass media advertising, politics and literature. It is a very popular technique in academic form of communication
propaganda transfer
appeals to a person imagination of something we like or trust. Trump “Make America Great Again “
propaganda -glittering generalities
these words are used to dupe us into accepting and approving of things without examining the evidence carefully . Ex: “natural” “democratic” “organic “ “scientific “ “ecological”
propaganda testimonial
this is represents another type of propaganda that fits into a particular into particular category of its own. When some respected celebrity /or alternatively someone generally hated(claims that an idea or product is a good or bad) This technique is used to convince used to convince us without examining the facts more carefully
propaganda plain folks
this type pf propaganda is used by a speaker to convince an audience that an idea is good because they are the same ideas of the vast majority of people like themselves. Very similar to “bandwagon” ,but with the exception that the speaker or writer is convincing the audience that they (speaker) is just like them(reader)
This technique is used to convince the audience by using selected information and not presenting the complete story. Such statements need to be checked with how many people were driving before and after the change in speed limit. Fewer people may be driving after the speed limit change , even though the fatality rates (deaths pet 100,000) may be higher ,leading to the overall results of fewer fatalities
propaganda scapegoat
this often use with guilty-by-association to deflect scrutiny away from issue. Example “Georgia W. Bush got into got us into Iraq”
propaganda artificial dichotomy
this is when tries to claim there are only two sides to an issue and that both sides must have equal presentation both sides must have equal presentation in order to be evaluated .This technique is used to dupe us into believing there is only one way to look at an issue ,when in fact there may be many alternative viewpoint or “sides”.
propaganda deification
This is when an idea is made to appear holy ,scared , or very special and therefore above all law. Any alternative or opposite points of view are thereby given the appearance of treason or blasphemy
propaganda conceit
develops a comparison which is exceedingly unlike but is nonetheless ,intellectually imaginative .A comparison turns into a conceit when the writer tries to make us admit a similarity between two things of whose “dissimilarities” we are strongly conscious ,and for this reason ,conceits are often surprising
propaganda claim
there is three common types are value ,police, and factual
value-claims attempt to persuade you to approve/disapprove of something
policy-attempts to persuade you or your government to take some action or change of behavior usually to save a problem
an emotional discharge through which one can achieve a state of moral or spiritual renewal or achieve a state of liberation from anxiety and stress. Catharsis is a Greek word and it means cleansing
refers to an expression that has been overused to the extant that it loses its original meaning or novelty. May also refer to actions and events which are predictable because of previous events