80th OG Sup Flashcards
T-38 UPT Solos to the Pattern Only
Minimum ceiling 4,000’ and minimum visibility 5 miles.
T-38 UPT Restricted Weather Solos
Post-contact checkride solo students may climb and descend through IMC if the ceiling is at or above 5,000’ and not more than 2,000’ thick. Minimum visibility 5 miles. Pre-contact checkride solos may fly pattern only.
T-38 UPT Dual Only
Minimum ceiling 3,500’ and minimum visibility 3 miles.
This status may result from other flying conditions unsuitable for solo students.
Dual Crosswind
Formations use 8-second
spacing in the break to ensure 6,000’ landing spacing. Flights may perform formation
takeoffs and landings based on actual crosswinds within limits. The phrase “crosswind
procedures in effect” will be added to any restrictive status listed below
Restricted Pattern
Minimum ceiling 2,300’ (to 3,500’) and minimum visibility
of 3 miles. Pattern entries are from initial takeoff or following a straight-in approach (not
from initial). Maximum number of aircraft in Tinder’s pattern is eight. Because weather
does not permit standard breakout procedures, Tinder directs appropriate actions to eliminate conflicts in conjunction with sound pilot judgment.
Instrument and Simultaneous Instruments Status
The 88 FTS and T-38 UPT
Ops Sups will ensure no more than 14 aircraft are launched per hour (including out-base
returns to Sheppard). Aircraft not returning to Sheppard may be launched in excess of the 14 aircraft since they will not affect recovery congestion. To minimize recovery sequencing,
formations should plan 2-ship approaches. Fly one approach to a full-stop landing during
any instrument status, unless SOF approves multiple approaches.
Minimum ceiling 1,900’ (to 2,300’) and minimum visibility of 3 miles. Cooter’s pattern remains open while Tower controls T-38 operations. The
Tinder RSU is manned only with a student recorder
Simultaneous Instruments
Minimum ceiling 500’ (to 1,900’) and minimum visibility of 2 miles. Tower controls all operations. The SOF will declare an alternate and touchdown fuel when the weather is (or forecast to be) below 1,500’ or 3 miles visibility.
High Pattern min ceiling/ vis
4,000’ and min vis of 3 miles (5 miles for solos)
ITS Caution
Limit ground ops to 90 minutes outside of an air conditioned environment.
ITS Danger
Limit ground operations to 45 minutes. A maximum of
two aircraft inspections (2 on initial sortie, 1 on subsequent sorties). Solo students are
only allowed one exterior inspection. A minimum of 2 hours between sorties is required (land time to next takeoff time).
Flashlight Use for ground Ops
Aircrew will use a flashlight when available to inspect the
engine intakes on all sorties, day and night.
Adjacent Aircraft Servicing
Do not start or park an aircraft adjacent to an aircraft being actively refueled or serviced with oxygen. Pilots may pre-flight aircraft next to active servicing provided no electrical power is applied to the aircraft.
UPT Aircraft Spares
Contact the duty desk with the new tail number. A 30-minute
chock extension is automatically approved.
Unless otherwise assigned, UPT missions squawk 47 plus the last two digits of the block number.
Ground Taxi
Before leaving the chocks, contact Ground Control
and request taxi. Normally, Ground will automatically taxi T-38s to Runway 15C/33C.
If Runway 15R/33L is required, request it when calling for taxi. If the VFR pattern is empty or not in operation, Ground may taxi aircraft to Runway 15R/33L.
Primary Launch Runway
The primary T-38 launch runway for dual UPT
sorties is Runway 15C/33C, unless solo (Tinder)
Taxi Speeds
- 10 Knots by Jets
- 15 Knots between Ramp
- 25 knots on Taxiways
Taxi to Runway 15C cautions
Hold short of Rwy 15R if 38 is inside 1 mile final
Taxi ROEs
Aircraft entering Taxiway D will yield to aircraft already
established on the taxiway unless directed otherwise by ground control. Aircraft taxiing
out of the ramp to fly a mission have priority over aircraft returning from a mission.
Bump Check
closing both canopies with engines in idle power and applying upward force to the canopy after the cabin pressure seals have pressurized.
When do you switch to Tinder/Tower
when entering EOR or when lead enters EOR
When can you cross from hot to cold side
until past Golf
What’s the one check you can complete on RWY
pitot heat off once at safe taxi speed
After Landing Checks
Aircrew will ensure the ejection seat SAFE/ARMED handle is in SAFE prior to opening the canopies
Pattern Fuel
When a pattern fuel is established, arrive in the RADAR or VFR pattern with the specified fuel state. Once established in the pattern, training may continue to normal recovery fuel unless directed otherwise.
Touchdown Fuels
Touchdown fuels are calculated using the emergency divert profile to arrive at the alternate with normal recovery fuel.
Touchdown fuels may be higher than normal due to climb restrictions enroute
VFR Traffic Pattern Altitude
Headings for crosswind and base
- 240 for crosswind
- 060 for base
Breakout Pattern altitude
-4000’ to Pt A
Headings from Pt B for 15
- Overhead is 070
- Straight In is 050 to 11 DME (south of railroad Bridge)
Altitude at Entry Points
- (4000-3300) Overhead
- (2800) Straight In (Pt C stay above 2800 till abeam Kickapoo)
Heading from Pt C for 33
- Overhead is 070
- Straight In is 080 (10 DME teardrop lake)
- climb to 4000
- Abeam Pt A 3500’
- 3000’
- 15 015
- 33 105
Center Runway Entry to tinder
-“Center closed approved”; pull closed into Tinder’s pattern
-“Center turn crosswind”; turn crosswind into Tinder’s pattern
-“Center maintain runway heading”; maintain runway heading climbing
to 2,800’ MSL until approved to enter Tinder’s pattern. If not cleared into Tinder’s
pattern, perform either a VFR breakout or an IFR pick up with arrival.
-“Center breakout”; perform a VFR breakout
If no response is heard from Tinder from center
fly runway heading and attempt to
contact Tinder until 5 miles past the runway, climb to 4,000’. If no contact with
Tinder, contact Sheppard Arrival for radar service to Point A, B/C, or a straight-in to
the center runway.
break zone
1st 3,000’ of RWY
Closed on 15 reference
the extended runway centerline of Runway 17 at or above 2,300’
When can you not request closed
straight-in between 9 and 4 miles or with an aircraft between “3-mile
initial/initial” and the break.
Runway 17 VFR and IFR Departures
- Tinder will announce departure
- closed request with a “Tally Ho” or “No Joy”
- Tally = 500’ separation
- No Joy = RWY hdg till 2300, expeditious climb to 2800 and call traffic when in sight
Inside Downwind A/S
220 Knots
When should you not perch
With a straight-in inside 4 miles, do not
begin the final turn unless the straight-in is in sight and a normal final turn can be flown
behind the straight-in
Offset/ Go-around
-Climb as required, no higher than 2,300
-offset west btwn RWY/ Taxi Delta
-add offset to radio calls
-Do not sacrifice aircraft control or stall the aircraft in
an attempt to avoid a touchdown
Restricted Low Approach
Do not descend lower than 500’ AGL (1,500’)
during a restricted low approach. Comply with the go-around and offset procedures. If
below 500’ AGL when directed for a restricted low approach, attempt to comply prior to
crossing the threshold.
High pattern
The 4,500’ MSL high pattern is used for solo pattern only
missions to decrease fuel prior to touch-and-go practice and for handling aircraft
Requesting Closed
approximately 2/3
down the runway. For Runway 15R, reference Taxiway F, and for Runway 33L,
reference the southern edge of the ENJJPT ramp.
Pattern Only for solo
Solo UPT students enter the high pattern after takeoff and normally remain there
until able to fly the first overhead pattern with fewer than 2,500 pounds
B/O from Point A to Outside Downwind
Aircraft established on outside downwind have priority over aircraft entering
from Point A. If directed by Tinder “Point Alpha, Breakout,” climb to/maintain 4,000’
and turn to the left for 15R and to the right for 33L.
B/O from 45-to-Initial
7-mile initial entries have priority over aircraft established in
the pattern. Aircraft from 7-mile initial normally give way to aircraft declaring minimum
fuel on 45-to-initial.
B/O from Perch Point
Unless directed, do not extend the perch for spacing on a
preceding aircraft. In this case, break out or perch normally (anticipating a go-around).
Once established in the final turn, use go-around and offset procedures instead of
breaking out.
B/O from Departure End
When Tinder directs a breakout at the departure end,
climb runway heading to 4,000’. Upon reaching 4,000’ proceed to a VFR entry point.
After a radar approach to 15R/33L and unable to contact Tinder, continue attempting
contact until 5 miles past the departure end, climb to 4,000’ and contact Sheppard Arrival
for radar service to a VFR entry point.
B/O from Point B/C
Perform a climbing turn to 4,000’ towards the active VFR
pattern and contact arrival for sequencing back to Point B/C.
B/O from Straight In
Continue along the normal ground track. Clear vigilantly for
initial traffic while climbing to 2,800’, then perform a climbing turn to 4,000’ towards the
west and contact arrival for sequencing to a VFR entry point.
Transient Aircraft
Tinder advises aircraft in the overhead pattern of
approaching transient aircraft. Do not cross the runway threshold until the preceding
transient clears the runway. With a transient between 4 miles and the approach end of the
runway, do not begin the final turn. Aircraft may begin the final turn provided the transient
aircraft is an AETC-assigned T-38, alternating sides of the runway are used, and 3,000 feet of
spacing exists when crossing the threshold. Offset to the west if instructed to go around for a
Falls Weather mins
Minimum ceiling 2,300’ and minimum visibility 3 miles,
Restricted Pattern status.
Unable to Cancel on Falls
Sheppard Arrival normally vectors aircraft no closer
than 8 DME. If unable to cancel, Arrival will discontinue the approach. Expect a
runway-heading climb to 5,000’ followed by vectors for an instrument approach or
departure to the areas
descend VFR from the last assigned
altitude to be at 2,300’ no later than
Airspeed for Falls
maintain 300 KTS
on downwind, 250 KTS on base and slow to configure after rolling out on final. If
vectored to a long final, maintain 250 KTS until 9 DME then slow to configure
When directed to execute “Local Climbout,” fly runway
heading, maintain at or below ____ past DER
Raise the bottom of the area 10’ for each _____ increment below _____
- 01
29. 92
UPT Solo Aerobatics limits
Solo UPT students will not continue the overthe-
top portion of any maneuver below 18,000’ AGL
Westover and Hollis MOA Recovery altitude
cross VASTY, MIKKE, MEGGA LvL at 12,000’ unless otherwise cleared
Aircraft recovering from Stover or Dundee depart the area at or below ______ all other areas must exit at or below ______