8 - Vascular Disorders and CME Flashcards
Where is the swelling occuring in CME?
Mullerian glia
Radial pattern - henle and glial cell pattern is organized
What type of conditions that can occur in CME?
DIabetic Retinopathy, CRVO, BRVO, Uveitis esp. pars planitis, RP, Ocular surgery or triggered by prostaglandin analogues
What is a common cause of CME and permenent vision loss?
Cataract surgery when angiogram has been completed
What is the tx of CME?
NSAIDS (for prophylaxis) and Combo steriods but best treatment is prevention
What is the tx with chronic CME and RP?
Systemic acetazolmide
What is the usage of Macular grid?
What is the treatment for CRVO around the macula?
What is coats disease?
Vascular dilations (retinal telengiectasia), including ectatic arterioles, microaneuryss, venous dilations (phlebectasis), fusiform capillary dilations, frequently with retinal detacthment BUT NO NEOVASCULARIZATION
Common in males; before age of 20; unilateral
What is parafoveal retinal telengiectasia?
Blood in the fovea
Type 1 - Unilateral; congential or acquired - PRP
Type 2 - Bilateral - CNVM temporal retina - antiVEGF
Type 3 - Bilateral with capillary oblieration - ischemia - antiVEGF
Where does arterial macroaneurysm occur?
A-V junction
What happens to vision in Arterial macroaneurysm?
Vision loss
What are the three conditions that phakomatoses occurs in?
Retinal Angiomatosis, Congential Retinal Arteriovenous malformation and Retinal Cavernous hemangioma
What is von hippel lesions?
Retinal and OD lesions
What is von hippel-lindau disease?
Retinal angiomatosis with CNS and visceral issues
Note: Associated with renal cell carcinoma
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