8 usefill expressions with common verbs (2) Flashcards
jdn. mitbringen
bring a couple of friends along
etwas herbeiführen
our new boss has brought about many changes
jdn grossziehen/aufziehen
…, so her aunt brought her up.
etwas erwähnen/ ins spiel bringen
i’m glad you you brought that point up
sich lösen
one of the wheels of her new rollerblades came off
Los! / gehen wir!
Come on! We’re late already.
peter came round and we watched TV.
wahr werden
my dream has come true.
sich anziehen
she got dressed immediately.
he got up at 6.15
einsteigen / aussteigen
i got on the bus at the station and got off at the airport
gesund werden
we hope you get better soon.
gute Besserung
get well soon!
sich verlaufen
sorry i’m late - i got lost
sich langweilen
got bored
mit jdm auskommen
she doesn’t get on with her mother
the prisoners got away
ungestraft davonkommen
he got away with the robbery
mit etwas vorankommen
how are you getting on with your work?
jdn. kennen lernen
mum got to know dad in bristol
sich an etwas gewöhnen
i soon got used to working outdoors.
über etwas hinwegkommen
he still hasn’t got over his grandmother’s death.
…. macht mich ganz fertig
this weather is getting me down.
sich fertig machen
hurry up and get ready! We’re late
etwas loswerden
haven’t you got rid of that cough yet?
spazieren gehen
let’s go for a walk
erzählen sie weiter!
“go on”, said the policeman.
“go on”, with your work, said the boss
Was ist hier los?
Why is there so much noise? What’s going on here?
funktionieren, richtig laufen / schief laufen
Nothing ever goes right for me. Everything i do goes wrong.
wo kommen die Tassen hin?
Where do the cups go?
The workers are going on strike next week.