8. TypoScript Flashcards
TypoScript of the TYPO3 cms
8.1.1 Which of the following objects are not TypoScript top level objects? (2)
- config
- styles
- includeLibs
Therefore, the correct answers are 2 and 4.
8.1.2 Which of these statements about TypoScript are true? (2)
- TypoScript is a programming language like ActionScript or JavaScript.
- TypoScript is an extension for TYPO3.
- TypoScript can be used to configure TYPO3.
- TypoScript mainly controls the output of the website in the frontend.
- Extensive knowledge of PHP is required to use TypoScript.
Therefore, the correct answers are 3 and 4.
8.1.3 You want to assign a multi-line value. Which of the following code sections are syntactically correct as replacements for the question marks? (1)
page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
- It is not possible to specify multi-line values in TypoScript; you can assign only single-line values.
- Answer
page.10.value (
) - Answer
page.10.value = (
) - Answer
page.10.value = (Hello
World) - Answer
page.10.value (Hello
Therefore, the correct answer is 2.
8.1.4 It is possible to comment out lines in TypoScript. Which characters can be used as comment characters? (4)
- //
- /* … */
- #
- /
Therefore, the correct answers are 1, 2, 3 and 4.
8.2.1 What do you enter in the constants area to make the following TypoScript setup code functional? (1)
config. language = {$langKey}
config. sys_language_uid = 1
config. htmlTag_langKey = {$langKey}
- $langKey = de
- {$langkey = en}
- langKey = jp
- langkey = cn
- LANGKEY = at
Therefore, the correct answer is 3.
8.2.2 What is the function of the following TypoScript code? (1)
page. meta.DESCRIPTION = {$meta.description}
page. meta.DESCRIPTION.override.field = description
- The value of field description is used.
- If the description field contains no value, the corresponding constant is used.
- The description field is always overwritten by the value of the corresponding constant.
- The value of the constant is used.
Therfore, the correct answer is 2.
8.2.3 The Fluid template of the page.10 object contains a variable {emailaddress}, which needs to be replaced by the value foo. How can you achieve this? (1)
- You enter the following code in the TypoScript constant area:
page. 10.templates.placeholder.emailaddress = TEXT
page. 10.templates.placeholder.emailaddress.value = foo - You enter the following code in the TypoScript setup area:
page. 10.templates.placeholder.emailaddress = TEXT
page. 10.templates.placeholder.emailaddress.value = foo - You enter the following code in the TypoScript setup area:
page. 10.templates.variables = EMAIL
page. 10.templates.variables.address = foo - You enter the following code in the TypoScript constant area:
page. 10.variables.emailaddress = TEXT
page. 10.variables.emailaddress.value = foo - You enter the following code in the TypoScript setup area:
page. 10.variables.emailaddress = TEXT
page. 10.variables.emailaddress.value = foo
Therefore, the correct answer is 5.
8.3.1 What is the output produced by the following TypoScript code? (1)
page = PAGE page.10 = COA page.10 { 30 = TEXT 30.value = A 30.wrap = B|C 40 = HTML 40.value = D 40.wrap = E|F 20 < .30 40.value = G }
Therefore, the correct answer is 7.
8.3.2 What is the output produced by this TypoScript code? (1)
page = PAGE page.10 = COA page.10 { 30 = TEXT 30.value = A 40 = TEXT 40.value = B 20 = TEXT 20.value = C 20.stdWrap.append < .30 10 = TEXT 10.prepend < .40 10.value = D }
Therefore, the correct answer is 3.
8.3.3 What is the output produced by this TypoScript code? (1)
temp.text1 = TEXT
temp.text1.value = Certification
page = PAGE
page.10 =< temp.text1
temp.text1.wrap = TYPO3-|!
- Certification
- TYPO3-!
- TYPO3-Certification!
- There is no output.
- !
Therefore, the correct answer is 4.
8.3.4 What is the output produced by the following TypoScript code? (1)
object1 = TEXT object1.value = value1 page = PAGE page { 10 <= object1 15 < object1 15.value = - 20 < object1 } object1.value = value3
- value1
- -value1
- value1-value1
- value1-value3
- value3-value1
Therefore, the correct answer is 2.
8.3.5 What code do you enter in place of the question marks so that the output of the script is AB? (1)
lib.obj = COA
lib.obj {
10 = COA
10.10 = TEXT
10.10.value = A
10.20 < .10
page = PAGE
page.10 = COA
page.10 {
10 =< lib.obj
- 10.value = B
- 10.10.value = B
- 10.20.value = B
- 10.10.20.value = B
- = B
- = B
Therefore, the correct answer is 5.
8.4.1 A condition begins with square brackets. Which expression does it have to end in? (6)
- [global]
- [Global]
- [END]
- [end]
- [End]
- []
Therefore, the correct answers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
8.4.2 In which areas can you use conditions? (4)
- TypoScript constants.
- TypoScript setup.
- Page TSconfig.
- User TSconfig.
- Fluid template.
Therefore, the correct answers are 1, 2, 3 and 4.
8.4.3 Is it possible to deactivate conditions in PageTSconfig and UserTSconfig? (1)
- No, conditions are part of the core, so they cannot be deactivated for TSconfig.
- Yes, by using the TypoScript instruction
config.TSconfigConditions = 0 - Yes, by using the PageTSconfig instruction
config.TSconfigConditions = 0 - Yes, by using the following key in the Install Tool:
[BE][TSconfigConditions] = 0 - Yes, by selecting the Use TSconfigConditions checkbox in the user settings
Therefore, the correct answer is 1.
8.4.4 Is it possible to check the backend_layout field in the backend, and if so, how? (1)
- No, that is not possible. Page properties are only relevant in the frontend and are checked there
by TypoScript. - [globalVar = TSFE:current|backend_layout = 1]
- [globalVar = TSFE:this|backend_layout = 1]
- [globalVar = TSFE:page|backend_layout = 1]
- [TSFE|backend_layout = 1]
- [this|backend_layout = 1]
- [page|backend_layout = 1]
- [current|backend_layout = 1]
Therefore, the correct answer is 7.
8.4.5 Which condition can you use to check whether a frontend user is logged in? (1)
- [login = true]
- [!login = false]
- [loginUser = *]
- [user = login]
- [loginUser = true]
- [login = *]
Therefore, the correct answers are 2 and 5.
8.4.6 Which conditions allow you to determine in the frontend, if the current user is also logged-in at the backend at the same time? (1)
- [globalVar = TSFE : beUserLogin > 0]
- [BEloginUser = *]
- [getTSFE()[‘beUserLogin’] == 1]
- [getTSFE().beUserLogin == 1]
- [TSFE:beUser > 0]
Therefore, the correct answers are 1 und 4.
8.4.7 Which condition can you use to check if the current time is 2pm or later? (1)
- [time >= 18]
- [time() > 18]
- [time(“18”)]
- [date(“G”) >= 18]
- [hour >= 18]
- [hour = > 18]
- [hour() > 18]
Therefore, the correct answer is 4.
8.4.8 Which conditions can you use to check if the user’s IP address is not (1)
- [IP !=]
- [not (getenv(“REMOTE_ADDR”) matches “/”)]
- [is(“REMOTE_ADDR”) != “”]
- [getenv(“REMOTE_ADDR”) != “”]
- [IP NOT]
- [IP =] [else]
- [IP ==] [else]
Therefore, the correct answers are 2, 4 and 6.
8.4.9 Which of the following conditions have the correct syntax? (6)
- [language = *de][language = *en]
- [language = *de]or[language = *en]
- [language = *de]OR[language = *en]
- [language = *de]NOT[language = *en]
- [language = *de]||[language = *en]
- [language = *de]AnD[language = *en]
- [language = *de]&[language = *en]
- [language = *de]&&[language = *en]
Therefore, the correct answer are 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8.
8.4.10 Which condition would you use to check whether the current day is Christmas Eve? (1)
- This is not possible; Christmas Eve falls on a different day of the week every year.
- This can only be achieved by implementing a custom condition.
- [dayofmonth = 24]AND[dayofweek = 12]
- [dayofmonth = 24]AND[month = 12]
- [day = 24]AND[month = 12]
Therefore, the correct answer is 4.
8.5.1 What does [20.h] stand for in the following TypoScript code? (1)
lib.getPageTitle = IMAGE
lib.getPageTitle.altText.field = title
lib.getPageTitle.file = GIFBUILDER
lib.getPageTitle.file {
XY = 400,[10.h]+[20.h]+20
10 = TEXT
10.text.field = title
10.text.listNum.splitChar = |
10.text.listNum = 0
10.fontSize = 20
10.fontColor = #cc0000
10.offset = 0,24
10.niceText = 1
20 < .10
20.text.listNum = 1
20.offset = 0,24+[10.h]+6
- A width of 20 pixels.
- A height of 20 pixels.
- The value of the constant called h.
- The height of the text field, which is defined in 20.
- An offset of 20 pixels in height.
- A font height of 20 pixels.
Therefore, the correct answer is 4.
8.5.2 Is it possible to select any font in images that contain text and are created using the GIFBUILDER? (2)
- Yes, but you have to select one of the 20 fonts supplied along with TYPO3.
- Yes, you can use a font from any font file with the TTF format (TrueType fonts).
- Yes, you can use a font from any font file with the OTF format (OpenType fonts).
- Yes, you can use a font from any font file with the CTF format (ClearType fonts).
- Yes, you can use a font from any font file with the PFM/PFB format (Type 1 fonts).
- No, you have to use an extension to do this.
- No, it is not possible.
Therefore, the correct answers are 2 and 3.
8.5.3 What does the c in the width and height specifications stand for in the following TypoScript code? (1)
page = PAGE
page. 10 = IMAGE
page. 10.file = testimage.jpg
page. 10.file.width = 100c+100
page. 10.file.height = 100c
- Calculated
- Crop
- Constant
- Clear
- Continuous
Therefore, the correct answer is 2.
8.6.1 Which TypoScript objects have to be addressed so that contents from tt_content can be returned? (2)
Therefore, the correct answers are 1 and 3.
8.6.2 This next code fills position 10 of a register with the value of the layout field of the current page. How can you return to querying this value at position 20 instead of the question marks? (2)
10 = LOAD_REGISTER 10.layout.cObject = TEXT 10.layout.cObject.data = TSFE:layout 20 = TEXT 20.???
- insertData = {register:layout}
- data = {register:layout}
- data = register:layout
- dataWrap = {register:layout}
- data = {$layout}
- data = {layout}
- data = layout
Therefore, the correct answers are 3 and 4.
8.6.3 Which content object needs to replace the question marks in the following code to display the current time on the website? (1)
page = PAGE page.10 = ??? page.10 { 10 = TEXT 10.data = date:U 10.strftime = %D - %H:%M:%S }
Therefore, the correct answer is 4.
8.6.4 You want to use TypoScript to specify a background image. Which content element needs to replace the question marks in the following code? (1)
page = PAGE page.10 = ??? page.10 { file = fileadmin/backgroundimg.jpg file.width = 100 file.height = 100 stdWrap.wrap = <div style="width:100px;height:100px;">Te\ xt</div> }
Therefore, the correct answer is 3.
8.6.5 You want the output of a TEXT content object to be multilingual. What do you need to do? (1)
page = PAGE
page. 10 = TEXT
page. 10.value = English Text
- You add the following: page.10._LOCAL_LANG.de = Deutscher Text.
- You add the following: page.10.lang.de = Deutscher Text.
- You add the following: page.10.de = Deutscher Text.
- Using the xml_ll extension is a convenient way of translating the language labels.
- Translations have to be created by means of conditions, for example: [globalVar = GP:L = 1]
Therefore, the correct answer is 2.
8.6.6 You want to display the content elements of a page in random order. Is this possible, and if so, how? (1)
page = PAGE page.10 = CONTENT page.10 { table = tt_content select { where = colPos = 0 max = 1 ??? } }
- That is not possible. Content elements are always displayed in the sequence specified in the backend.
- You have to use an special extension to do this.
- You replace the question marks with the following line:
orderBy = random - You replace the question marks with the following line:
orderBy = rand() - You replace the question marks with the following line:
orderBy = rand
Therefore, the correct answer is 4.
8.6.7 From what page does the following script read out the content elements? (1)
page = PAGE page.10 = CONTENT page.10 { table = tt_content select { pidInList = this } }
- The content elements from the page with the identifier this.
- The content elements of the current page.
- The content elements from the page stored in the register called this.
- The content elements from the page whose PID is the value of the UID of the current page.
- The content elements from the page with PID = 0, because there is no such thing as a key word called this and TypoScript interprets this as value 0.
Therefore, the correct answer is 2.
8.6.8 What is the output of the following code? (1)
page = PAGE page.10 = CONTENT page.10 { table = tt_content select { pidInList = 2,3,4 } }
- It creates a menu from the pages with the UIDs 2, 3 and 4.
- It displays the contents with the UIDs 2, 3 and 4.
- It displays all the contents of the pages with the UIDs 2, 3 and 4.
- It displays all contents apart from those with the UIDs 2, 3 and 4.
Therefore, the correct answer is 3.
8.6.9 You want to display the data records from the tt_content table that have the UIDs 2 and 3. What should be in place of the question marks? (1)
page = PAGE page.10 = ??? page.10 { tables = tt_content source = 2,3 dontCheckPid = 1 }
Therefore, the correct answer is 4.
8.6.10 When entering a content element, you can use the “Frame” select box to select a frame. What should be in place of the question marks if you want to enter your own style instructions when entering “Frame 1” (ID=20) and “Frame 2” (ID=21)? (1)
temp.bodytext = ???
temp.bodytext {
key.field = section_frame
default < tt_content.text.20
20 < .default
20.wrap = <div class="dotted">|</div>
21 < .default
21.wrap = <div class="solid">|</div>
tt_content.text.20 >
tt_content.text.20 < temp.bodytext
Therefore, the correct answer is 3.
8.7.1 You see CType=list and list_type=9 (the tt_news extension). How do you address the body text of the output? (2)
- plugin.tt_news
- plugin.tx_ttnews_pi1
- plugin.tx_ttnews_pi1.9
- tt_content.list.9
- tt_content.plugin.9
- tt_content.plugin.tt_news
- tt_content.list.10.9
- tt_content.list.20.9
Therefore, the correct answers are 1 and 8.
8.7.2 Replace ??? in the code below, so that a specific strings is automatically replaced by another string in the output of the tt_content text content? (1)
tt_content.text.20 {
- parseFunc.string1 = string2
- parseFunc.short.string1 = string2
- parseFunc.tags.string1 = string2
- string1 = string2
- HTMLparser.string1 = string2
- HTMLparser.replace.string1 = string2
Therefore, the correct answer is 2.
8.7.3 Subtitles in the backend form of a page can only be entered in one line. What do you need to do so that you can enter them in multiple lines? (1)
- This is not possible without modifying the TYPO3 core.
- You overwrite the default TCA by using the following PHP code:
$GLOBALS[‘TCA’][‘pages’][‘columns’][‘subtitle’][‘config’][‘type’] = ‘text’; - You enter the following code in Page TSconfig:
TCEFORM.pages.columns.subtitle.config.type = text - You enter the following code in User TSconfig:
TCAdefaults.pages.subtitle.config.type = text - You enter the following code in the TypoScript setup:
pages.columns.subtitle.config.type = text - You enter the following code in the TypoScript setup:
pages.subtitle.config.type = text
Therefore, the correct answer is 2.
8.7.4 Which TypoScript code element do you use to display email addresses in the frontend in a manner that makes it hard for robots to read for spam purposes? (1)
- config.spam.email = 0
- config.spamProtectEmailAddresses = 1
- config.email.usePicture = 1
- config.protectEmailAdresses = 0
Therefore, the correct answer is 2.
8.7.5 You have added a content element of type “Bullet List” to a page, but you do not like the way it is displayed. How can you customize it, if the site is configured to use “Fluid Styled Content”? (2)
- The content element is a core function, so you have to modify the appropriate core files directly.
- Bullet point lists can not be customized to preserve a consistent look and feel across all TYPO3 sites.
- You can modify the tt_content.bullets TypoScript object, if “Fluid Styled Content” is used.
- You can modify the tt_content.bulletlist TypoScript object, if “Fluid Styled Content” is used.
- You can use CSS to customize the appearance of the ce-bullets class, if “Fluid Styled Content”
is used.
Therefore, the correct answers are 3 and 5.
8.8.1 Which of the following are not menu states? (2)
Therefore, the correct answers are 4 and 5.
8.8.2 You need a format for the display of the menu item for the current page if it contains at least one subpage. Which menu state do you use? (1)
- NO
Therefore, the correct answer is 3.
8.8.3 You want to format the display of the menu item for the current page and the parent pages, regardless of whether subpages exist. Which menu state do you use? (1)
- NO
Therefore, the correct answer is 4.
8.8.4 Which menu state can you use to indicate pages if access to them is restricted to user groups where the group name begins with the letters A-K? (2)
- NO
Therefore, the correct answers are 2 and 3.
8.8.5 A menu does not need to contain a link to the current page; in fact, this is often confusing or wrong. How can you prevent this? (1)
- By using the NOLINK menu state.
- By using the doNotLinkIt TypoScript option.
- By using an appropriate condition.
- You set the NeverLinkCurrentPage property in the Install Tool.
- You have to write a custom PHP function.
Therefore, the correct answer is 2.
8.8.6 We have pages “A” (UID = 179) and “B” (UID = 178). What is the output of the following menu? (1)
page = PAGE
page. 10 = HMENU
page. 10.special = list
page. 10.special.value = 178,179
page. 10.1 = TMENU
page. 10.1.NO.after = ||||-
- A-B
- B-A
- -A-B
- -B-A
- AB
- BA
- A-B
- B-A-
Therefore, the correct answer is 8.
8.8.7 What do you need to add to the following TypoScript code to obtain a JavaScript pull-down menu of all pages that were changed in the last three days? (1)
page = PAGE page.10 = HMENU page.10 { ??? special.value = 1 special.mode = tstamp special.maxAge = 3600*24*3 limit=10 1 = JSMENU 1.target=_top 1.firstLabelGeneral = Select your page }
- menu = javascript
- special = jsmenu
- special = updated
- special.menu = last
- menu = last
- menu = updated
Therefore, the correct answer is 3.
8.8.8 Which value do you have to assign to the entryLevel option if you want to display only the subpages in the menu and not the current page? (1)
Root Home A AA AB B BA BB BC C
page = PAGE page.10 = HEMNU page.10 { entryLevel = ??? 1 = TMENU 1 { expAll = 1 NO = 1 } 2 < .1 }
- Value 2
- Value 1
- Value 0
- Value -1
- Value -2
Therefore, the correct answer is 4.
8.8.9 How can you prevent a page from being displayed in a menu? (2)
- You use the “Not in menu” page type.
- You use the “Hide in menu” page property.
- You use the TypoScript property excludeUidList.
- You use the TypoScript property hideInMenu.
- You use the TypoScript property includeNotInMenu.
Therefore, the correct answers are 2 and 3.
8.9.1 Your website has five pages “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E”. What is the output of the following TypoScript code? (1)
page = PAGE
page. 10 = HMENU
page. 10.1 = TMENU
page. 10.1.NO.linkWrap = 1 || 2 || 3
page. 10.1.NO.allWrap = |
- 1A1 1B1 1C1 2D2 3E3
- 1A1 2B2 2C2 2D2 3E3
- 1A 1B 1C 2D 3E
- 1A 2B 3C 3D 3E
- 1A 2B 2C 2D 3E
Therefore, the correct answer is 5.
8.9.2 Your website has only one page “A”. What is the output of the following TypoScript code? (1)
page = PAGE
page. 10 = HMENU
page. 10.1 = TMENU
page. 10.1.NO.linkWrap = 1 || 2 || 3
page. 10.1.NO.allWrap = |
- 1A
- 2A
- 3A
- 1A 2A 3A
- 3A 1A 2A
Therefore, the correct answer is 3.
8.9.3 Your website has five pages “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E”. What is the output of the following TypoScript code? (1)
page = PAGE
page. 10 = HMENU
page. 10.1 = TMENU
page. 10.1.NO.linkWrap = 1 |||| 2
page. 10.1.NO.allWrap = |
- 1A 2B 1C 2D 1E
- 1A 1B 1C 1D 2E
- 1A 2B 2C 2D 2E
- 1A 2B 1C 2D 2E
Therefore, the correct answer is 2.
8.9.4 Your website has five pages “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E”. What is the output of the following TypoScript code? (1)
page = PAGE
page. 10 = HMENU
page. 10.1 = TMENU
page. 10.1.NO.linkWrap = 1 || 2||3 || 4
page. 10.1.NO.allWrap = |
- 1A 2B 3C 2D 4E
- 4A 2B 2C 3D 1E
- 1A 2B 2C 3D 4E
- 1A 2B 3C 3D 4E
Therefore, the correct answer is 1.
8.9.5 Your website has five pages “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E”. What is the output of the following TypoScript code? (1)
page = PAGE
page. 10 = HMENU
page. 10.1 = TMENU
page. 10.1.NO.linkWrap = 1||2 || 3 || 4
page. 10.1.NO.allWrap = |
- 1A 2B 1C 3D 4E
- 1A 2B 3C 3D 4E
- 1A 2B 1C 2D 3E
- 1A 2B 2C 3D 4E
Therefore, the correct answer is 2.
8.9.6 Your website has five pages “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E”. What is the output of the following TypoScript code? (1)
page = PAGE
page. 10 = HMENU
page. 10.1 = TMENU
page. 10.1.NO.linkWrap = 1||2 |||| 3
page. 10.1.NO.allWrap = |
- 1A 2B 1C 1D 3E
- 1A 2B 3C 1D 2E
- 1A 2B 2C 2D 3E
- 1A 2B 3C 3D 3E
- 2A 2B 2C 2D 3E
Therefore, the correct answer is 3.
8.9.7 Your website has five pages “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E”. What is the output of the following TypoScript code? (1)
page = PAGE
page. 10 = HMENU
page. 10.1 = TMENU
page. 10.1.NO.linkWrap = |||| 1||2||3
page. 10.1.NO.allWrap = |
- 1A 2B 3C 1D 2E
- 1A 2B 3C 3D 3E
- 1A 1B 1C 2D 3E
- 1A 2B 1C 2D 3E
Therefore, the correct answer is 3.
8.10.1 You change a setting in the TypoScript Object Browser Where is this change entered? (2)
- At the beginning of the TypoScript “setup” template.
- At the end of the TypoScript “setup” template.
- At the beginning of the TypoScript “constant” template.
- At the end of the TypoScript “constant” template.
- In the LocalConfiguration.php file.
- None of the above answers is correct.
Therefore, the correct answers are 2 and 4.
8.10.2 Your TypoScript code obviously contains a syntax error. How can you find it? (2)
- The error is displayed in the TypoScript Object Browser (TSOB).
- The error is displayed in the Admin Panel.
- The error is displayed in the Template Analyzer.
- The error is displayed in the frontend.
Therefore, the correct answers are 1 and 3.
8.10.3 What is the precise effect of the following two lines of TypoScript code in the constants area? (2)
# cat=mytext/ctext/a; type=color; label=text color mytextcolor = red
- The first line is ignored because it is introduced with a comment character.
- The mytextcolor constant is set to red.
- A selection field for colors is created in the Constant Editor.
- This code results in an error message.
- This code has no effect.
Therefore, the correct answers are 2 and 3.
8.11.1 You create a page with UID 76, an empty navigation title and the title “Test page”. What is the output created by the following script? (1)
page = PAGE
page. 10 = TEXT
page. 10.value = Certification
page. 10.data = field:nav_title // field:uid // field:title
- Certification
- Certification76Test page
- 76
- Test page 76Test page
Therefore, the correct answer is 3.
8.11.2 How can you use TypoScript to determine the name of the frontend user who is logged in? (1)
- {field:name}
- ${fe_user->name}
- TSFE:fe_user|user|name
- $TSFE->fe_user->user->name
- getIndpEnv:name
- TSFE[fe_user][user][name]
- $GLOBALS[‘TSFE’]->fe_user->user[‘name’]
Therefore, the correct answer is 3.
8.11.3 What is the output of the following TypoScript? (1)
page = PAGE
page. 10 = TEXT
page. 10.value.data = DB:pages:11:title
- There is no output.
- The output is DB:pages:11:title.
- The output is DB pages:11 title.
- The output consists of the page title of the page with the UID 11.
- The output consists of the table cell with UID 11 from the pages table.
- This TypoScript does not create any output, but it saves the data record of the page with UID 11 in a register for use later on.
Therefore, the correct answer is 4.
8.11.4 You want the page title of the current page to be output. What do you need to add to the script below? (1)
page = PAGE page { 10 = TEXT 10.value = The page title of the current page is: {page:title} ??? }
- 10.wrap = $|$
- You do not need to add anything for the output to be right.
- 10.dataWrap = {field:title}
- 10.insertData = 1
- 10.dataWrap = 1
Therefore, the correct answer is 4.
8.11.5 What do you have to add to the script below so that the complete URL is output? (1)
page = PAGE page { 10 = TEXT 10.data = ??? }
- {getIndpEnv:TYPO3_REQUEST_URL}
Therefore, the correct answer is 2.
8.11.6 What code is required in place of the question marks in order to achieve the output of all important properties of the current page and the parent pages (such as UID, PID, title, etc.)? (1)
page = PAGE
page. 10 = TEXT
page. 10.value = TypoScript
page. 10.???
- data = debug : rootLine
- data = debug : -1
- debugData = 1
- data.debug = rootLine
- debugData = rootline
- data.debugData = 1
Therefore, the correct answer is 1.
8.11.7 What do you have to enter in place of the question marks so that the page title of the current page is output?(1)
page = PAGE page.10 = TEXT page.10 { dataWrap = DB:pages:{TSFE:id}:title ??? = <h1>Page title: {|}</h1> insertData = 1 }
- data
- wrap
- innerWrap
- wrap3
- stdWrap
Therefore, the correct answer is 4.
8.12.1 Is there a specific sequence in which stdWrap properties are executed in a TypoScript template? (1)
- The property that is listed first is executed first.
- The property that is listed first is executed last.
- The property whose name is first in alphabetical order is executed first.
- The order is determined by the order in the source code.
- No, there is no order.
Therefore, the correct answer is 4.
8.12.2 What is the output of the following script if the subtitle field of the page has the value test23? (1)
page = PAGE page.10 = TEXT page.10.value = Hello World! page.10.if { value.field = subtitle equals = test23 }
- test23
- Hello World!
- Hello World!test23
- subtitle
- There is no output.
Therefore, the correct answer is 2.
8.12.3 What do you have to enter in place of the question marks so that the name of the author is added? (1)
page = PAGE page.10 = TEXT page.10 { ??? insertData = 1 typolink.parameter.field = author_email }
- value = Author: author
- value = Author: {$page:$author}
- value = Author: {page:author}
- value = Author: {$author}
- value = Author: page:author
- value = Author: $author
Therefore, the correct answer is 3.
8.12.4 What is the output of the following TypoScript code? (2)
page = PAGE page { 10 = TEXT 10.value = Certification 10.override { required = 1 data = field:subtitle // field:nav_title } }
- The output is Certification, if field:subtitle and field:nav_title are both empty.
- The output is Certification, if field:subtitle and field:nav_title both contain values.
- The output is Certification, if field:subtitle is empty, but field:nav_title contains a value.
- The output is Certification, if field:subtitle contains a value and field:nav_title is empty.
- The subtitle is shown, if field:subtitle contains a value, but field:nav_title is empty.
- The navigation title is shown, if field:subtitle and field:nav_title both contain values.
Therefore, the correct answers are 1 and 5.
8.12.5 The following TypoScript code returns a page title. What exactly is it? (1)
page = PAGE
page. 10 = TEXT
page. 10.data = fullRootLine : 0, title
- The page title of the current page is output.
- The page title of the parent page is output.
- There is no output.
- The page title of the root page is output.
Therefore, the correct answer is 4.
8.12.6 What is the page whose navigation title is returned in the following TypoScript code? (2)
page = PAGE
page. 10 = TEXT
page. 10.data = levelfield:-2, nav_title, slide
- The navigation title of the current page is output.
- The navigation title of the root page is output.
- The navigation title of the parent page is output.
- The navigation title of the parent page’s parent page is output.
- If the page to be output has no navigation title, the system will search upwards along the root line until it finds a page with a navigation title, and then output this title.
- If the page to be output has no navigation title, the title of the root page is used, along with all titles along the root line (if any exist).
Therefore, the correct answers are 3 and 5.
8.12.7 The following code creates a link to a page. To which page does it link to? (1)
page= PAGE page.10 = COA page.10 { 10 = TEXT 10 { value = page: {leveltitle:-1} insertData = 1 typolink.parameter.data = leveluid : -1 } }
- To the current page.
- To the parent page.
- To the sister page.
- To the subpage.
- To the root page.
Therefore, the correct answer is 1.
- 12.8 Your TypoScript code contains a default image in the
temp. stdimage object and the user can upload an image in the backend, which is saved in the temp.userimage object. What do you have to enter so that the default image is displayed if the user has not uploaded an own image? (1)
page = PAGE page.10 = COA page.10 { ??? }
1. Answer 10 < temp.stdimage 20 < temp.userimage 2. Answer 10 < temp.userimage 20 < temp.stdimage 3. Answer 10 < temp.userimage 20.stdWrap.ifEmpty.cObject < temp.stdimage 4. Answer 10 < temp.userimage 10.stdWrap.ifEmpty.cObject < temp.stdimage 5. Answer 10 < temp.stdimage 20.ifEmpty.cObject < temp.userimage 6. Answer 10 < temp.userimage stdWrap.if.isTrue.cObject < temp.stdimage
Therefore, the correct answer is 4.
8.12.9 You want the following TypoScript code to display text “Print version”, but only if the website is called using the print=1 GET parameter. What should be in place of the
question marks? (1)
page = PAGE page.10 = TEXT page.10 { value = Print version ??? }
- You do not need to add anything, the function is already provided.
- Answer
if. isTrue.data = GP : print - Answer
if. value.data = GP : print
if. equals = 1 - Answer
if. isPositive.data = GP : print - Answer
if. value.data = GP : print
if. isGreaterThan = 2
if. isTrue.data = GP : print
Therefore, the correct answer is 3.
8.12.10 How can you create a link with link text, a link target and a CSS class? (2)
page = PAGE page.10 = TEXT page.10 { value = linktext ??? }
- This is not possible without a corresponding HTML template in TYPO3.
- The following:
typolink.parameter = http://example.com/
typolink.parameter.extTarget = linktarget
typolink.parameter.ATagParams = class=’linkclass’ - The following:
typolink.parameter = http://example.com/
typolink.extTarget = linktarget
typolink.ATagParams = class=’linkclass’ - The following:
typolink.parameter = example.com linktarget linkclass - The following:
typolink = example.com linktarget linkclass
Therefore, the correct answers are 3 and 4.
8.12.11 You want to link to an image. When the image is clicked, you want a new page with UID = 123 to be opened in a 350x700 pixel window. How can you do this? (1)
page = PAGE page.10 = IMAGE page.10 { file = fileadmin/example.jpg ??? }
- Answer
typolink.parameter = 123 350x700 - Answer
stdWrap.typolink.parameter = 123 350x700 - Answer
typolink.parameter = 123
typolink.JSwindow_params = width=350,height=700 - Answer
stdWrap.typolink.parameter = 123
stdWrap.typolink.JSwindow_params = width=350,height=700 - Answer
typolink.popup = 1
typolink.popup.params = 123 350x700 - Answer
stdWrap.typolink.popup = 1
stdWrap.typolink.popup.params = 123 350x700
Therefore, the correct answer is 2.
8.12.12 The TypoScript code below is supposed to convert a Unix time stamp to a more readable form. What do you have to write in place of the question marks? (1)
page = PAGE
page. 10 = TEXT
page. 10.value = 1226923200
page. 10.??? = %A, %d.%B %Y
- strftime
- date
- prioriCalc.strftime
- mktime
- time
Therefore, the correct answer is 1.
8.12.13 You want this TypoScript code section to output the
number of days that have elapsed since the TYPO3
certification program began. What do you have to write in
place of the question marks? (1)
page = PAGE page.10 = COA_INT page.10 { 10 = TEXT 10 { cObject = TEXT cObject.data = date:U cObject.wrap = (|-1226923200)/86400 ??? wrap = The certification has existed for | days } }
- calc = intval
- calc = 1
- prioriCalc = intval
- exec = calc
- priori = calc
Therefore, the correct answer is 3.