8 - Transformation of cognition and identity Flashcards
Lecture 10 Oakes, Townley & Cooper Tripsas & Gavetti
Organizational field
those organizations that, when seen as a whole, constitute a recognized area of institutional life
- key suppliers,
- resource and product consumers,
- regulatory agencies, and
- other organizations that produce similar services or products
O,T,C - Pegagogy
The method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept.
O,T,C - Institutional theory
- The ability of an institutional field to influence or control organizational functioning
- Organizations are constructed through institutionalized practices and historical experiences, constructing normative models of organizational legitimacy
O,T,C - Capital
- Fields defined by different forms of capital at stake,
- Can be cultural, symbolic, social, or economic
- Fields are characterized by ongoing struggle for capital
> Monetary or non monetary forms
> Can be economic, but also social (networks), cultural (education), symbolic, etc.
-Capital represents power over the field at a given moment
-Different capital have different liquidity (speed in which they can transform to other capital)
O,T,C - Implications of capital and field
- Habitus: deeply ingrained aspects of identity (race, class, gender, etc.)
- Positional identities: Interaction habitus and Ideal images of occupations
- Big differences between fields due to different capital
- In losing its capital, a field loses its ability to define and control its own products, consumers, and the market in which its capital will be exchanged
- Fields always changing because the capital of, and consequently positions in, the field are always being contested
O,T,C - Field of restricted production
- Fields where cultural capital is more important than economic capital
- Economic succes secondary to symbolic value, legitimacy and reputation
- Supported by third party to still ensure survivability
- Allows for relative autonomy
O,T,C - Symbolic violence
- Violence which is exercised upon a social agent with his/her complicit (cooperation)
- Is supported by Pedagogic Action:
> Exclusion of ideas as unthinkable,
> Instilling possitive values or knowledge in someone - Symbolic violence: mechanisms of control do not have to be visible to be effective
O,T,C - Control
Objects for management control
- Past: labor power, behavior of employees,
- Present: the mindpower and subjectivities of employees.
power, language, and subjectivity important for controls
- Power doesn’t need to involve coercion or conflict
- Power by changing positional and organizational identities, vocabularies, and values, towards a goal
- Used as pedagogic practice to change organizational identities by changing what is at stake (Capital)
O,T,C - Shift of capital
Leads to
- Changes in language
- Changes in Identity
O,T,C - Outcomes of business planning in the museum case
- Overall effect
- Change visible in
Introduction of new management styles like business planning can change the culture and core values of employees
This change is manifested on:
- Changes in languages
- Change of employee identity
- Change the “content” of museums
Bordieu - language assymbolic power
- not a mirror of reality
- social practice
- constituted and constrained by social norms
Linguistic markets
Linguistic ‘markets’
- written/spoken communication or debate.
- creates the conditions for an objective
- in/through which legitimate competence can function as linguistic capital
- producing a profit of distinction on the occasion of each social exchange
- Power is gained by developing linguistic competence to reach a position where
you can define the rules of linguistic markets
T&G - Adapting to radical technological change
- Who
- Why
- Perspective
- Established firms often have difficulty adapting to radical technological change
- Capabilities in place are not future proof
- focus is on senior management cognition
> its influence on capabilities
> how it contributes to organizational inertia.
T&G - Cognitions
Senior management cognitions
- Based on the past experiences
- Inable to change as fast as the environment
- Leads i the end to poor performance since they have critical influence on strategic decision making.
T&G - Razorblade business model
- in the case of polaroid
- Low cost of camaras (hardware) to stimulate demand, and increase market share
- High cost of film (software)