8 Testing For Associations And Regressions Flashcards
Strength of association
R=0 no correlation
R=0.1-0.4 weak correlation
R=0.41-0.6 moderate
R=0.61-1 strong
Type of an association
Linear- as one variable increase/decrease the other decrease/increase
Curvilinear- u curve, increases to a certain point (staff cheerfulness- good to a certain point)
Spurious relationship- ice cream and rate of drowning, there is an association but buying ice cream doesn’t actually influence drowning
Scatter gram
Interval and ratio
Pearson correlation
Interval/ratio, p value, correlation coefficient
Spearman correlation
Correlation coefficient
P Val
Describes the strength of a relationship between variables. No distinction between independent and dependent variables.
Describes the strength of a relationship between variables and predicts the relationship. Introduces concept of dependent and independent variables.
Linear regression can be conceptualised as finding a line of best fit between observed scores
Categorical IV need to be converted into dummy variables (0,1)
Bivariate regression
Only one variable as a predictor (IV)
Adjusted r squared (coefficient of determination)
Estimate the percentage of explained variance in a dependent variable
High r2 = smaller error
R2=0.147 = model explains 15% of variance
If VIF scores are above 5 there is multicolinearity (not good)
Multiple regression types
Enter- all IV estimated at once
Stepwise - IVs are removed by software to derive to the model that explains most variance in DV
hierarchical- IVs are entered in pre determined blocks