8 Superorder Laurasiatheria - Cetaceans Flashcards
What led to the evolution of cetaceans?
What are the cetaceans named after?
The tethys sea closed up, it was between Gondwana and Laurasia and connected the north and the south
They are named afer the places they were found
Early whales
Where are the first fossil deposits of cetaceans?
What group have the early cetaceans been lumped together under?
What characteristic was used to group them together?
First fossils from Eocene deposits
Lumped together the “Archaeocetes” - look like a cetaceans but are not modern form
The teeth characteristic was used
Early whales – first fossils from Eocene deposits
Where did the tethys sea close up?
What is the name of the early eocene fossil?
Old view and new view, what is the new view of what it looks like?
Tethys sea close up in Pakistan region
The Pakicetus fossil
Thew new view is that it looks more dog-like
Has an excellent fossil record that is almost complete
What happens to the body size over time?
Earliest form is Pakicetus
Body becomes larger and the limbs become reduced spending more time in water - Ambulocetus
By late Eocence modification of limbs adapted for swimming, could still move on land (seallike?)
Muizon (2001)
The modern forms of cetaceans are divded into sub-orders - what are they?
What are there characteristics?
Cetaceans are divded into sub-orders
- Odontoceti - the toothed whales (e.g. killer whales, dolphins & porpoises)
* Have echolocation, producing sound from monkey lips (fatty tissue) - used for orientation, locating prey - Mysticeti - the baleen whales (e.g. blue whales, humpbacks) baleen filters out phytoplankton
* Evolved song - able to communicate over 100’s of Km
Debate around monophyletic and diphyletic with regards to cetaceans
What is it now thought?
Now thought that it is monophyletic
When did the two forms of cetacans split?
When was the radiation explosion? why was this?
Split around 35 MYA
- toothed whales monophyletic (echolocation evolved once, 36– 34 MYA)
- 10 MYA radiation diversification
support for increased diversification during physical restructuring of the oceans (closure of major seaways) – see map!
(Steeman et al., 2009)
What is the cause of splitting intwo two groups?
Based on phylogenetic evidence and correlations in changes of the ocean current what seems like the main reason for split?
- Allopetric speciation e.g tethys sea closing up
- Unexploited niche -
Best guess is based on the phylogenetic evidence - suggests that it is linked to changes in water currents - thus allopetric speciation, as this seems corellated with changes in ocean currents
The main radiation conincides with closing of tethys sea
But where did the cetaceans evolve from?
The tradition view is that primitive whales and Mesonychia are sister groups. based on similarities in teeth and skulls
(Gingerich and Russell, 1981, O’Leary and Geisler, 1999)
Mesonychids * mentioned in previous lecture for this point
What are mesonychids?
are carnivorous proto-ungulates of the Palaeocene, which pre-date the split into modern ungulates
What were the similarties between mesonychids and early whales?
List the three similarities?
Similarities in teeth – both mesonychids and early cetaceans possess pre-molariform molars with simple, tall and sharply pointed protoconids and laterally compressed distal ends (narrow talonids = nt).
Auditory canal Similarities in the ear – both mesonychids and early cetaceans show elongation of external auditory meatus (Eam) and mastoid process of the petrosal (Mas)
Paraxonic foot posture Artiodactyls, mesonychids and early cetaceans also all share a paraxonic foot posture – in which the weight-bearing axis of weight bearing passes between digits 3 and 4, as opposed to through digit 3 as in Perrisodactyls.
What are the three characters that linked the cetaceans to the mesonychids?
- Molar formation
- Auditory canal
- Paraxonia
One of the problems with testing the hypothesis that cetaceans are related to the early ungulates condylarth mesonychids
Is that you cannot get genetic evidence from the condylarth
What genetic evidence was used to identify if the cetaceans and mesonychids shared a common ancestor?
What did this then reveal?
SINES was used to identified if they have a common ancestor
If you find two species that share SINE then it is likely that they shared a common ancestor
This revealed that artiodactyla is a paraphyletic group
Shimamura et al. (1997)
Position of cetaceans within Artiodactyla led to re-examination of the ankle bone – which previously considered to support monophyletic origin of artiodactyls. (paleontology evidence)
The key defining morphological feature of artiodactyls is the Double pulley Astragalus
Modern whales haven’t kept this feature - what do you have to look at?
Look at fossils of early whales & meosonychids
re-evaluating the paleontology evidence: i.e comparing fossils of early whale (cetacean) Pakicetus with early artiodactyl Diacodexis
and with Sus pig
You can see that the early arciodactyl and early cetacans have similar grooves
But if you look at the mesonychiads it doesnt have double groove
This DNA analyses supportes a close association between artiodactyls and the cetaceans
The emergence of the hypothesized clade “Cetartiodactyla”
(Cetacea + Artiodactyla)
How does the tree change from the morphological data to the ‘new fossil and molecular data’
Over last 10 years, more DNA analyses supported a close association between artiodactyls and cetaceans