8. Return To Calamba Flashcards
At Marseilles, he boarded what vessel? The same vessel which took him to french port city
Name of his brother in law
Silvestre Ubaldo
What were the reasons why Rizal wanted to go to the Philippines?
- To operate on his mother’s eyes
- To serve his countrymen
- To know the effect of Noli Me Tangere
- To find out why Leonor Rivera stopped writing to him
When Djemnah docked in Saigon, Vietnam, he boarded to another steamer what? Which was headed to manila
After landing in Manila, how many days later before he arrived in Calamba?
2 days later
How did Rizal helped his community in Calamba?
He built a medical clinic
Who was his first patient? What did he do?
His mother; he removed a double cataract from Doña Teodora’s eyes
Having trained in Germany, he was called what
Doctor Uliman
He earned how much after a few months of his services as a physician
Why did Olimpia died?
Due to childbirth
Why was Jose unable to see Leonor?
His family begged him not to see her for his safety
Leonor’s mother object their relationship
He would involuntarily answer what to those who ask how to increase one’s apetite
Emulsion de Scott (Scott’s Emulsion)
To prevent his townmates from idleness and gambling, Rizal built what in calamba
He translated the German poems of whom into tagalog
Von Wildernath
He asked Rizal to come to Malacañang
Governor General Emilio Terrero
His professors that said that Rizal would lose his head because of Noli
Fr. Sanchez
Fr. Jose Bech
Frederico Faura
The Governor General assigned a security guard to Rizal because his life was in danger, what was his name?
Lieutenant Jose Taviel de Andrade
Who was the Archbishop of Manila that time who sent a copy of Noli to the rector of UST?
Pedro Payo, O.P.
Who was the Rector of UST
Fr. Gregorio Echavarria
What was the original price of Noli
Five pesetas
At the height of the controversy, what was the price of Noli
Fifty pesos
He smuggled sacks of Noli Me Tangere from Hong Kong to Manila
Perfecto Rufino Riego
He was the friar who wrote “Caingat Cayo” - warning people that the readers of Noli commit sins
Fr. Jose Rodriguez
He responded to Caingat Cayo with his pamphlet named “Caiigat Cayo” (Slippery as an Eel)
Marcelo H. del Pilar
Tenants were losing money not because of poor harvest but because of gambling in the house of whom?
Lucia (Rizal’s sister)
Practically dictated the decision of the Justice of the Peace of Calamba
When the tenants didnt obeyed the decision of the tribunal of Sta Cruz, what did the agents if the court did?
Soldiers destroyed 50 houses
Replaced Governor General Terrero
Governor General Valeriano Weyler
Who were included in the deportation to Mindoro of 25 individuals?
Paciano and Silvestre Ubaldo
Manuel Hidalgo was banished where
What was the real cause why the family of Rizal was evicted?
Because the tenants refused to pay the annual rent demanded by the hacienda administrators
The situation of the tenants not paying their rent was reflected to the family of whom in El Fili
Cabesang Tales
Rumors said that he was a spy of a german chancellor
Otto von Bismarck
Rumors said that he and who raised a german flag in Mt. Makiling, and claimed the Philippines for Germany
Lt. Taviel de Andrade
Just before he left Calamba, he wrote a poem which commemorated the elevation of Lipa, Batangas
Himno al Trabajo (Hymn to Labor)
Rizal boarded what vessel on the first leg of his trip to Europe
Don Juan
How old was Rizal when he asked Riego to smuggle Noli
27 yo