8. Respect for private and family life under Article 8 Flashcards
What is art. 8?
Respect for private and family life
Which other art. must you have in mind when talking about art. 8?
art. 12 - right to marry and to found a family
What is the character of art. 8?
art. 8 is one of the most open-ended provisions of the convention.
Sommerfeld v. Germany, 8 July 2003 (paras 42-75)
Custody, access, and care proceedings
(expert not needed)
The case concerned a 13-year- old girl that had expressed her clear wish not to see her father, and had done so for several years, and where forcing her to see him would seriously disturb her emotional and psychological balance; the decision to refuse contact with the father can be taken to have been made in the interests of the child. No expert reports were needed.
Art. 8, 12 og art. 5 of protocol 7?
• These 3 articles are somewhat disparate (forskellige). In article 8 the right to respect for family life, the right to respect for private life, and the right to respect for the home and correspondence may be read together as guaranteeing collectively more than the sum of their parts. Subject to that important point, it is not possible to categorise the rights protected by article 8 in providing synthesis of the case-law.
Hows family defined?
• A mother and father and children who are dependent on them, including illegitimate and adopted children, constitute a family. The court has said, that the mutual enjoyment by parent and child of each other’s company constitutes a fundamental element of family life. De facto family ties can arise where parties are living together outside marriage.
o The family also exists even where the parents does not live together at the time of the child’s birth. Only in exceptional cases this bond between parent and child will be broken.
o It is a violation to article 8 to deny a mother the opportunity to enable recognition of the biological father of her child. A legal presumption that the husband is the father of a child born in wedlock (ægteskab) which cannot be denied by the mother may violate article 8.
Defining family life - adoption situation
• Adoption places the adoptive parents in the same position as biological parents for the purposes of the protection of family life, even where there has been a little contact with the adopted child and where the adoption is contested.
o Relationships between brother and sisters are also covered.
o In some circumstances the relationships with grandparents may be protected under article 8. More remote relationships does not fall within family life, but may be protected under private life.
Hows “Family” after ones death?
• The need for respect for family life continues beyond death
Defining family life - unmarried
• In deciding whether a relationship between unmarried adults is under the protection as family life, the court has a number of factors which should be taken into account:
o Does the couple live together, the length of their relationship, do they have children together and so on.
Defining family life - same-sex couples
Same-sex couples have also recognised as enjoying a family life under article 8.
Positive obligations and family life
- The notion of “respect” in the article is a relatively imprecise one, but the commission and the court have applied an interpretation which serves to give effect to the continuing evolution of concepts of privacy and family life. Article 8 prohibits arbitrary interferences by a state into respect for family and private life, the home and correspondence.
- Positive obligations under article 8 can arise in two situations:
- Where a state must take some action to secure respect for the rights included in the article.
i. For example immigration cases where a state must allow a person to enter or remain in the country. - Where the duty arises for a state to protect an individual from interference by other individuals.
A right to reproduce by means of assisted reproduction and/or surrogacy?
• Not surprising that the court has faced this question about reproducing using such technology.
• Violation of article 8 where a state prohibit all egg donation and sperm donation for the purposes of IVF.
o A complete ban on IVF will be harder to defend.
• Also cases about surrogacy (til ufrivilligt barnløse) -
Custody, access and care proceedings
- Many application under article 8 concern the relationship of parents and children after a marriage breakdown or other family crisis - where the court make an order concerning the custody of/access to the children. Or when children are taken into care of the public authorities.
- In these situations, the states are required to balance a number of right, which may compete or conflict with each other. Each parent (or grandparents) has a right to respect for his of her family ties with the child under article 8 - and the child has a right to respect for his of her family life. But the best interests for the child may not to be with the birth parents (by removing it from a bad home environment). Here the overriding interest is the child’s safety and well-being.
Custody, access and care proceedings - decession
• Often in respect of care decisions, time will be of the essence.
o In the context of care decisions, the court sometimes has the difficult task of balancing parental rights against the best interests of the child, which is recognised to be the primary consideration.
International child abduction (bortførelse) cases
• Increasing number of cases.
• The court has made clear in a number of cases that the state’s obligations under article 8 in this context are to be interpreted in harmony with the general principles of international law, with particular account to be given to the provisions of the Hague Convention.
o In a case the court concluded that the son’s return to his father in Italy was not necessary in a democratic society. Relevant factors: the father and child had no language in common, he had never lived without his mother and his mother was unable to live in Italy with him. This were the best for the child.