8. PRPG: Charging for Services Flashcards
What should you acknowledge with the client before charging for services? (3)
- client clearly understands basis of the fees
- how expenses will be treated
- whether they will charge for initial meeting
What are the possible fees for basis of charge? (4)
- Time and expenses
- Fixed fee
- Contingent fee
- Insurance
Explain the time and expenses fee (3)
- based on time spent & resources deployed
- enhanced rate might be charged for urgent deadlines
- provision in letter of engagement (extra work = extra charge)
Explain fixed fee
- fixed fee for agreed assignment (clear scope + proper costing)
- appropriate variation clause in letter of engagement (allowing additional work)
Explain risks of contingent fee
Risk: third party questioning independence and objectivity of the member
What fundamental principles does using a contingent fee expose? (2)
Integrity & objectivity
What should member cecil be aware of for contingent fee? (3)
- ensure that conduct meets & seen to meet fundamental PRINCIPLES
- aware of LEGAL or regulatory restrictions
- CLEAR scope of services in engagement letter & whether part or entire fee is to be repaid
Explain insurance fee
Fees may be covered (whole/part) by professional fee insurance
When is it necessary for a fully detailed fee note to be sent? (1)
Only if client requested!
BUT it should be member’s records available to prepare fee note if required at later date
How to avoid fee disputes? (2)
- agreeing fee before issuing fee note
- giving indicative fees before work starts + keeping client informed regularly
(good practice to issue fee notes without undue delay)
It is good practice to issue fee notes without undue delay
What should you consider when charging costs or fees to different projects of the same client? (2)
- allocation is commercially justifiable (reasonable)
2. allocation reflects work done for clients
What does DOTAS stand for?
Disclosure of Tax Avoidance Schemes
What must be disclosed to a client if a member is to receive commission for introducing that client to a financial adviser? (3)
- Amount
- Terms
- Member’s relationship to third party (:S)
1.Amount, 2.Nature, 3.Identity of third party
is for when third party introduces client to you (Chapter 4)
When should you (member) inform the client of commission being received from the third party?
As soon as appropriate but no later than when work starts.
What should you inform the client if the commission from third party is unknown? (2)
- Basis of how commission is calculated
or - When commission is received
If commission is received -
- important to preserve normal STANDARD of professional care and competence
- act in BEST INTEREST of client
- advice given should be JUSTIFIABLE by reasons other than receipt of commission
Does the way in which commission is treated have to be detailed in engagement letter?
It is recommended that it is in engagement letter OR confirmed in writing
What is a retainer agreement?
member may charge/accept fees from client simply for retention of member’s services
What should be set out in writing of retainer arrangement? (3)
- EXTENT of arrangement
- LIMITATIONS of arrangement
- the point at which FURTHER CHARGES may be levied
What should a member consider before entering a retainer agreement? (2)
- their ability to fulfil their obligations to other clients (other clients should not be neglected)
- termination arrangement to be included in letter of engagement
If payment is made in advance by client and work is not carried out, must it be repaid?
Yes. If substantial fees are paid in advance, make sure you have sufficient funds (including interest) to refund the client where necessary.
Steps to take if client is slow to pay (which should be written in letter of engagement) (2/3)
- seek to understand why they’ve not paid
2a. if no satisfactory explanation –>
- consider legal action
2b. - inform client they will cease to act unless payment received in reasonable & specified period
Can you settle fees owed from money held?
no. UNLESS prior approval given by client in writing