8 limbs Flashcards
what are the 8 limbs of yoga
- yama
- niyama
- asana
- pranyama
- pratyahara
- Dharana
- Dyana
- Samadhi
what is yama
moral disciplines/ vows
what is niyama
self dicipline positive observatory
what is asana
- posture
- a stable and comfortable posture which helps attain mental equillibrium
what is pranyama
extension and control of breath
what is pratyahara
- withdrawal of sense
- a mental preparation to increase the power of the mind
what is Dharana
- dha = holding
- rana = other
- concentration
- the senses must withdraw to focus and concentrate
what is dyana
- meditation
- withdrawing mind from all external objects and focusing it on one point and meditation on it
what is samadhi
- bliss, joy and merging invididual consciousness in to universal consciousness
- realization to tbe in the present moment whether good or bad
what are the 5 yamas?
- Ahimsa
- Satya
- Asteya
- Brahmacharya
- Aparigraha
what is Ahimsa
- the 1st Yama
- non-violence
what is Satya
- the 2nd yama
- truthfulness
what is Asteya
- the 3rd Yama
- non-stealing
what is Brahmacharya
- the 4th yama
- celibecy. Don’t be a ho
what is Aparigraha
- the 5th yama
- non-possessiveness or non-hoarding
what are the 5 niyamas?
- saucha
- santosha
- tapas
- swadhyaya
- isvarapranidaha
what is saucha
- the 1st niyama
- purity, cleanliness
what is santosha
- the 2nd niyama
- contentment
what is tapas
- the 3rd niyama
- discipline
what is swadhaya
- the 4th niyama
- self study
what is isvaraprandidaha
- the 5th niyama
- surrender to a higher power