8: Jurisdiction Flashcards
Definition of jurisdiction:
State’s sovereign right to exercise authority over persons and places by use of domestic law.
Forms of jurisdiction:
Perspective: make laws
Adjudicative: adjudicate laws
Enforcement: enforce laws
Territorial jurisdiction:
Schooner: jurisdiction within a nation’s own territory - exclusive & absolute, no limitations.
Subjective: conduct in the territory
Objective: conduct having an effect in the territory.
Extra-territorial jurisdiction:
Contains the:
i. Active nationality: crimes committed by nationals.
ii. Passive nationality: crimes committed against nationals.
iii. Protective principle: any criminal conduct injuring/targeting a state’s interests (Eichman).
Universal jurisdiction:
Jurisdiction over crimes that threaten all states.
Right to prosecute/extradite (aut dedere aut judicare).
Sovereign immunity:
Definition/source in Schooner: ‘sovereign equality and independence.’
Head of state/government - serving (absoloute immunity, ratione personae), or afterwards (immunity only for official conduct, ratione materiae).
also for any state official undertaking official acts in a foreign territory.
Diplomatic & consular immunity:
Vienna convention on diplomatic rights:
immunity from criminal jurisdiction, and most civil administrative jurisdiction.
Vienna convention on consular relations: immunity only from jurisdiction in connection with official functions.