8. Human Rights Act 1998 Flashcards
What are the three types of convention rights incorporated by the HRA 1998?
- Absolute rights
- Limited rights
- Qualified rights
What are absolute rights?
Rights that cannot be limited by the state, even in times of war or national emergency
What are the four absolute rights under the Convention?
- Right to life (except death resulting from war)
- Prohibition of torture
- Prohibition of slavery
- Prohibition of retrospective criminal offences
What are limited rights?
Rights that can be limited only within the scope provided in the section which gives the right
What are the two limited rights under the Convention?
- Right to liberty
- Right to a fair trial
What are qualified rights?
Rights which can be limited by the state if necessary to meet a legitimate aim provided in the particular section
To what extent can freedom of expression be qualified?
To the extent necessary in a democratic society to achieve the following legitimate aims:
- National security
- Territorial integrity
- Public safety
- Prevention of disorder and crime
- Protection of health and morals
For what reasons can freedom of association be qualified?
- National security
- Prevention of disorder and crime
- Protection of health and morals
- Protections of rights and freedoms of others
What are the four part proportionality test the court will use to determine whether a restriction on a qualified right is necessary, and therefore permitted?
- Object of the policy and the legitimate aim are sufficiently important to justify limiting a fundamental right
- The measure designed to meet the objective is rationally connected to it
- The interference with the right is no more than is necessary
- The measure is reasonable and balanced in the circumstances
What are the qualified rights granted by the Protocols to the Convention?
- Right to property
- Right to education
- Right to free elections
- Abolition of the dealth penality
What is judicial deference?
The more politically controversial the issue, the more likely that the courts, when applying the proportionality test, will defer to government and Parliament, with the greatest level of deference being shown to national security
What is the margin of appreciation the UK government will argue they have when they are challenged in the courts?
That they are allowed some discretion over the extent to which a right can be restricted
What is the situation in which the government will have a wider margin of appreciation, and the situation in which it will be narrower?
Wide: If each member states to the Convention approaches the issue differently
Narrow: If there is consensus among member states about the issue
What is the court’s approach when the (1) wider and (2) narrower margins of appreciation are applied?
- Wider: Government has much broader discretion
- Narrower: Full and detailed review by the court of the interference
What is the Living Instrument Principle and what are the three principles which stem from it?
The Convention is a living instrument and can adapt to changing social and economic conditions
- ECtHR not bound by previous decisions
- ECtHR can follow an approach of some or all of the member states
- ECtHR must be accessible to all
What does it mean for a state to derogate from a Convention article?
The state is no longer required to comply with the article
What rights can states derogate from?
Any, except the four absolute rights
When can a state derogate?
In the event of war or other public emergency which threatens the life of the nation
What is the limit on the extent of a derogation?
A derogation must be to the extent strictly required in the situation
What is the mirror principle?
When UK courts are dealing with a case involving a convention right, the court must take into account any ECtHR judgment on the issue. If there is a clear line of authority from the ECtHR, the UK court is expected to follow this.
What is required of UK courts under Section 3 of the HRA?
The courts must, so far as is possible, interpret legislation in a way that is compatible with Convention rights
When will a court make a declaration of incompatibility under Section 4
When it is not possible to interpret an act in a way which complies with the Convention under Section 3
Due to parliamentary sovereignty, what is the effect of a declaration of incompatibility on the court’s application of the offending legislation
No effect. The court must still apply the legislation
Whilst incompatible legislation may be repealed or amended, these processes are slow. What are the two fast-track procedures under Section 10 of the HRA?
- Non-urgent procedure
- Urgent procedure