8. Codecademy: HTML & CSS Flashcards
Uniform Respurce Locator
The part of the URL specifying the location of the web server responding to an HTTP request
IP Address
Definitive address of a computer or server
Domain Naming System
What does the DNS do?
Maps the human-readable domain name to the IP address of the server hosting the domain.
HyperText Transfer Protocol
What is HTTP?
It’s the protocol for data communication between clients(website users) and servers(website hosts).
What differentiates HTTPS from HTTP?
Data exchanged with this protocol is securely encrypted by TLS or SSL standards to authenticate the site and protect the privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
Transfer Layer Security
Secure Sockets Layer
What are TLS and SSL?
Cryptographic protocols that provide communications security over a computer network.
Post Office Protocol: Email fetching from mail server that deletes the server’s copy once moved to the destination.
Internet Messaging Access Protocol: Cloud based email fetching, where email is fetched and also kept in the server, with read and replied labeling on both ends.
Application Programming Interface: Allows communication between websites and computers without the styling of human-readable pages.
Web Server
The computer hosting the website or application which receives and responds to the incoming HTTP requests from browsers and other applications.
Problems, often syntax issues and typos, in code which lead to errors in computer software or hardware.
(the) Cloud
Server space accessible through the web where data can be stored to free up disk space on computers and devices. Websites hosted on cloud servers have faster up/downloading speeds and have less downtime due to data being mirrored across many servers.
Small pieces of data sent from a website to a browser, to allow the server to remember or authenticate a client’s information.
404 Error
Error printed to client browser by server when a webpage that doesn’t exist is requested.
Search Engine Optimization: increasing the visibility of a website in a browser’s unpaid search results by improving keyword relevance in source code, metadata and site content which will help it be properly indexed by web crawlers.
web crawler
An Internet bot, sometimes called a spider, that systematically browses the web in order to keep indexes of web pages up to date.
“What you see is what you get”; acronym is used as a noun, categorizing text editors and site builders which allow building and editing of the “real” visual version of the text or content (vs coding in HTML/CSS etc and having to use a browser to see what it looks like client side).
Responsive Design
Optimizing the usability and readability of your site or app for functionality across screen sizes utilizing browser specifications.
A system used for website elements to be visually aligned in different styles.
Unique identification of colors on screen using a red/green/blue index from 0 - 255 corresponding to display levels of each color for a particular element (like fonts and backgrounds)
e.g., rgb(210, 140, 28)
Hexadecimal; a 16 digit scale from 0-9. And a-f representing unique identifiers for colors in a six digit code, where each of the three pairs of digits corresponds with an RGB color.
Above the fold
A newspaper term meaning everything on the top half of the front page, and on the web this refers to everything on the starting point of the webpage before a client has to scroll.
Graphical User Interface; the visual interface that has replaced the command line interface for most everyday computer user interaction.
Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language which specifies how HTML should be displayed by the browser.
The de facto scripting language used to make websites into interactive dynamic web apps
Asynchronous JavaScript And XML; transfers data via the XMLHTtpRequest object that allows for data transfers and webpage updates without browser refresh
Notation resembling a simplified programming language used in program design, essentially mapping out problems before solving them with actual coding language.
A low-level (not far from machine level code), cross platform, imperative programming language used for things like operating systems and other expansive software programs.
A high-level (human friendly), cross platform, general purpose programming language
Programming Paradigms
A way to classify programming languages according to the style of computer programming, including imperative, functional, declarative, object oriented, procedural and logic.
Object Oriented Programming; a programming paradigm based on the concept of objects which may contain data in the form of fields (attributes) and code in the form of procedures (methods).
Ruby Gems
Gems are helpful libraries of useful Ruby code that can be plugged in to your applications.
A technique for managing complexity of computing systems by establishing a level of complexity on which a person interacts with the system, suppressing the more complex details below the current level.
Software Frameworks
An abstraction in which software providing generic functionality can be selectively changed by additional user-written code, thus providing application-specific software. They are universal, reusable software environments that provide functionality as part of a larger software platform to facilitate development of apps, products and solutions.
Ruby on Rails
An MVC web application framework written in Ruby.
Model View Controller; a software architectural pattern for implementing UI, providing default structures for a database, web services, and web pages.
User Interface
User Experience
Command Line Interface
Version Control
The task of keeping a software system consisting of many versions and configurations well organized.
A free and open source version control system that is used for software development and other version control tasks
The de facto cloud based repository for Git files.
Open Source Software; computer software with its source code made available under a license in which the copyright holder provides rights to study, change, and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose.