8: Cardiac Flashcards
Aconite napellus
fear of death during heart sxs constriction as if from BAND heart complaints in upper L limb DAYTIME palpitations heart hypertrophy
Adonis vernalis
heaviness at heart
dropsy and distressing dyspnea
aortic valve regurg
palpitations–extra systole
Antimonium arsenicosum
pulmonary edema, emphysema
chest pain eating/lying down agg
white layer on tongue
Arsenicum album
night anxiety in heart, palpitations after midnight
dropsy with impeded resp
feeling of oppression with ascending, clothing, stormy weather
Arsenicum iodatum
constriction of heart oppression in heart, warm weather palpitations with absent menses driving place to place with restlessness nasal discharge yellow/honey N with brushing teeth
Aurum iodatum
religious despair of salvation
bloody expectorations with c/o heart
yellow leukorrhea
cervical induration
Aurum metallicum
cardiac anguish sensation as if something alive in heart anxiety amel by moving sensation as if something hanging at heart fullness in heart, asc agg
Aurum muriaticum
red circumscribed face with heart dz chest congestion after uterine hemorrhage chest pain ascending stairs agg palpitation of heart night/asc/spoken to stiff palpitations
Carbo Veg
air hunger, desire to be fanned
anxiety in CHF
chest oppression/palpitations eructations amel
Collinsonia canadensis
chest complaints with hemorrhoids
dropsy with heart dz
acrid stool
Convallaria majalis
angina/palpitations from tobacco fluttering in heart inflammation of endocardium, orthopnea palpitations with uterine pain head pain, hawking agg
Crataegus oxyacantha
contradicts others irritability with heart dz heart pain wanders to the joints chest pain below clavicles HA during restlessness back pain extending to occiput with irritability
Digitalis purpurea
slow pulse heart and prostate and/or liver sxs angina during coition heart ceases to beat ringing in the heart
Glonoinum (Nitro-glycerine)
head and chest congestion
head congestion with heart throb
orgasm of blood
makes mistakes in localities, loses way on well known streets
Iberis amara
conscious of heart’s action
chest pain, heart dragging
palpitations with influenza
palpitation with wine except port