8/27 quiz Flashcards
According to Quindlen, what familiar object serves as an ideal representation of America? (q.o.c)
Quindlen uses crazy quilts to represent America. I think this is because there are all different types of people and it’s a crazy place.
According to Quindlen, how have people’s attitudes about her being a product of a mixed marriage changed over time? (q.o.c)
Back then, people felt that it was incendiary. Now, people see it as being quaint.
What does Quindlen think unified America’s diverse ethnic groups before the end of the cold war? (q.o.c)
Quindlen thinks they were unified by a common enemy. This enemy would be the fault lines of world wars and communism.
According to Quindlen, how have other countries often handled deep ethnic divisions? (q.o.c)
The left-side would overwhelm the right-side. She says they always seem to be on the verge of fistcuffs between races
According to the former head of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, how are today’s neighborhood stores similar to and different from the old neighborhood stores? (q.o.c)
I think she is saying that there has always been a mix of ethnicity in the neighborhood stores. When she was listing the types of people that worked there then and now, she said different ethnicities and types of people.
Is the author’s main purpose to entertain, to inform, or to persuade? (q.o.c)
I think the main purpose is to inform the reader. I also feel like there is a little bit of entertainment in it because it’s kind of like a story.
“…by the fault lines of world wars and the electrified fence of communism.” is an ex of what? (q.o.c)
anticipated (a.h)
Eagerly expected
infratuated (a.h)
Briefly but intensely in love
enthralled (a.h)
devoted (a.h)
Loving, loyal, and concerned with another’s well being
elation (a.h)
Great happiness and excitement
impulse (a.h)
Sudden urge to act or do something
How do the vocabulary words help the writer describe characters’ emotions? (a.h)
All of the words have to do with love or fascination. They all have a positive connotation.
What day did this story take place? (a.h)
Nov. 22nd, 1963 a.k.a death of President Kennedy