8日 Flashcards
What does 泣きます (なきます) mean?
menangis 😢
This term is used to express the act of crying.
What is the meaning of 注意します (ちゅういします)?
memperingati ⚠️
This verb indicates the action of giving a warning or caution.
What does 浴びます (あびます) refer to?
mandi, mengguyur 🚿
This term describes the action of bathing or showering.
What is the meaning of 準備します (じゅんびします)?
mempersiapkan 🛠️
This verb signifies the act of preparing something.
What does 疲れます (つかれます) mean?
lelah 😴
This term is used to express the state of being tired.
What is the meaning of 盗みます (ぬすみます)?
mencuri 🕵️♂️💰
This verb refers to the act of stealing.
What does 相談します (そうだんします) mean?
berkonsultasi 💬🤝
This term indicates the action of consulting or discussing.
What is the meaning of 眠ります (ねむります)?
tidur 🛌💤
This verb signifies the act of sleeping.
What does 研究します (けんきゅうします) refer to?
meneliti 🔬📚
This term describes the action of conducting research.
What is the meaning of 繰り返します (くりかえします)?
mengulang 🔁
This verb signifies the act of repeating something.
What does 行います (おこないます) mean?
melaksanakan, mengadakan 🏃♂️📅
This term is used for the action of carrying out or hosting an event.
What is the meaning of 見せます (みせます)?
memperlihatkan 👀
This verb indicates the action of showing something.
What does 見学します (けんがくします) refer to?
melihat lihat (untuk belajar) 🏫👓
This term describes the action of observing as part of learning.
What is the meaning of 覚えます (おぼえます)?
mengingat 🧠💡
This verb signifies the act of memorizing or remembering something.
What does 謝ります (あやまります) mean?
meminta maaf 🙇♂️🙏
This term is used to express the act of apologizing.
What is the meaning of 貼ります (はります)?
menempel 📌
This verb signifies the action of sticking or attaching something.
What does 踊ります (おどります) refer to?
menari 💃🕺
This term describes the action of dancing.
What is the meaning of 輸入します (ゆにゅうします)?
mengimpor 🚢📦
This verb signifies the act of importing goods.
What does 輸出します (ゆしゅつします) mean?
mengekspor ✈️📦
This term is used for the action of exporting goods.
What is the meaning of 迎えます (むかえます)?
menjemput, menyambut 🤗🚗
This verb signifies the act of welcoming or picking someone up.
What does 連絡します (れんらくします) mean?
menghubungi 📞💬
This term indicates the action of contacting someone.
What is the Japanese term for smartphone?
スマホ 📱
What does 仕事 しごと mean?
pekerjaan 💼
Translate 今日 きょう.
hari ini 📅
What does 一回も〜ない いっかい mean?
tidak sekalipun, belum sekalipun ❌
What is the meaning of シャワー?
mandi (shower) 🚿
What does 明日 あした refer to?
besok 🌅