7th NCOA Flashcards
CSM Jefferson Leadership Philosophy: Pinky
Passionate Leaders (Pinky): Although the smallest, some argue the pinky is actually the strongest of the fingers. Soldiers and Families are our most important assets and are the top priority. We have a moral obligation to know our profession, know our Soldiers and Families, show them the way, and lead by example.
CSM Jefferson Leadership Philosophy: Ring
Teamwork (Ring): Teamwork is the secret to winning and loyalty, trust, and selflessness are its basis. We are part of many teams - the team we build, the team of peers (other units), and the USAREUR team. We will be professional team players and accept responsibility for all of our actions; good or bad.
CSM Jefferson Leadership Philosophy: Middle
Competence (Middle): The middle finger is the longest and will entail much of our daily focus. We will be the experts for United States Army Europe in all aspects of developing junior leaders and we will be the standard bearers of professionalism.
CSM Jefferson Leadership Philosophy: Pointer
Discipline and Integrity (Pointer): If you’ve ever been scolded, you may associate the pointer finger with discipline. The discipline that I am referring to, and desire within our organization, involves always doing what you know is right. Integrity is one of the few things in life that cannot be taken away; however; it can be given away. Don’t give your away!
CSM Jefferson Leadership Philosophy: Thumb
Army Values and Comprehensive Fitness (Thumb): The thumb is the anchor of our hand and represents the Army values and Comprehensive Fitness. It is imperative we uphold the Army Values in our lives. This includes physical, emotional, social, family, and spiritual fitness. This is both an individual as as leader responsibility and is important for both Soldiers and Families.
Commandant’s Goals
- 100% buy in from all Cadre and Staff, we work together as a team
- All of us most be decisively engaged at every point throughout each training cycle
- Be committed to getting better every day
- Continue to grow, learn, and better yourself each and every day
Team Goals
- Create environment that encourages development of career progression
- Maintain the level of proficiency and accuracy of an Institution of Excellence
- Enforce high level of standards that are expected
- Build a cohesive team and positive Command climate
- Balance professional and personal lives
- Ensure adequate checks and balances to maintain the Academy
- Recognize Superior accomplishments and outstanding military individuals
- Produce the greatest future leaders
- Upholding Army SHARP and EO programs
7th NCO Academy vision
BE committed professionals who are creative and adaptive NCOs - that coach, teach, and mentor future leaders assigned throughout USAREUR and our international Partners.
KNOW that we accept the challenge in academic and performance oriented excellence. All members of our team are seasoned trainers at the largest and oldest NCO Academy in the Army. The NCOs of the 7th Army NCO Academy train to standard and not to time.
DO what right look like by challenging all Soldiers both physically and mentally while simultaneously ensuring to treat them with dignity and respect
The 7th Army NCO Academy Mission
The 7th Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy trains future Leaders, who are disciplined and embody the Army Values required to successfully lead at the squad and team levels. We inspire Soldiers to be creative thinkers who are adaptive, physically fit, mentally tough, and resilient. Our NCO Academy trains to standard and fosters a conductive learning environment, by where Leaders are held accountable for their actions both on and off duty.
Policy Statement #1
Commandant’s Open Door Policy
Policy Statement #2
Reenlistment Incentive Program
Policy Statement #3
Equal Opportunity
Policy Statement #4
Prevention of Sexual Harassment
Policy Statement #5
Equal Opportunity Complaint Procedures
Policy Statement #6
Student / Cadre Relationships
Policy Statement #7
Student Privileges
Policy Statement #8
Height, Weight, and Body Fat Standards for the 7th Army NCO Academy WLC
Policy Statement #9
Warrior Leader Course Student Billeting Requirements
Policy Statement #10
Academy Leave Policy for U.S. Military Personnel
Policy Statement #11
Academy Sponsorship Program
Policy Statement #12
Awards and Recognition
Policy Statement #13
Cameras in the NCO Academy classrooms
Policy Statement #14
Student dismissal
Policy Statement #15