7th grade Social Studies: Age of Exploration - Vocab Flashcards
A period of European history, which renewed interest in classical culture led to far-reaching changes in art, learning, and views of the world.
Group of people settled in a distant land who are ruled by the government of their native land.
A Spanish explorer in the Americas in the 1500s.
It was the impact of the introduction of new plants, food, and diseases by European explorers to the new world after 1492. Europeans also brought back.
Columbian Exchange
The mother country gains wealth by controlling the trade of its colonies. The mother country gets raw materials and then sells finished goods back to the colonies.
Instrument used by sailors to measure the positions of stars and figure out their latitude at sea.
Part of the lord’s holding in the Middle Ages, including the castle, peasants’ huts, and surrounding villages or fields.
System of rule by lords who owed loyalty to their king.
Who claimed land for which two countries?
Henry Hudson
1. Hudson River and New York (Dutch)
2. Hudson Bay (England)
A religious settlement. Run by Catholic priests in order to convert Natives to Christianity.
Right to demand taxes or labor from Native Americans in the Spanish colonies.
Sea Dogs
Captains of English Pirate Ships
The series of wars in which medieval Christian warriors sought to recover control of the Holy Land from the Muslims.
Device that shows which direction is north.
Magnetic Compass
The economic theory that a nation’s power depended on its wealth.
A large estate run by an owner or manager and farmed by laborers who lived there.
A ship with a steering rudder and triangular sails.
To sail around the world.
Peasants who were bound to the land for life.
A water route to Asia through North America sought by European explorers, but never discovered.
Northwest Passage