7_Band Vocab #3 Flashcards
beat waves
created when two sound waves overlap and alternately reinforce and cancel out each other; used to tune performers
key signature
any combination of sharps or flats found after the clef at the beginning of each stave indicating the key of a composition
Italian for “very”; used to modify other words as in “molto ritardando”
a gradual decrease in tempo
Italian for “time”; the speed at which a piece of music is played
the adjustment of volume and timbre between instruments or voices
bass clef
Lines - GBDFA and Spaces - ACEG (always going up)
fortissimo; very loud with an accent
Italian for “slow”; an indication of tempo and is sometimes used to describe a slow movement, even when the indication of speed at the start of the movement may be different
treble clef staff
Lines - EGBD and Spaces - FACE (always going up)