790.0601 - 15 Flashcards
Personal identifying information of an individual who has applied for or received a license to carry a concealed weapon or firearm is _____ and _____ from public records laws
confidential and exempt
Personal Identifying information will be disclosed when: (3)
(a) With the express written consent of the applicant or licensee or his or her legally authorized representative.
(b) By court order upon a showing of good cause.
(c) Upon request by a law enforcement agency in connection with the performance of lawful duties, which shall include access to any automated database containing such information maintained by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Whoever, while committing or attempting to commit any felony or while under indictment, displays, uses, threatens, or attempts to use any weapon or electric weapon or device or carries a concealed weapon is guilty of a ______
felony of the third degree
Whoever, while committing or attempting to commit any felony, displays, uses, threatens, or attempts to use any firearm or carries a concealed firearm is guilty of a _____,
felony of the second degree
Whoever, while committing or attempting to commit any felony, displays, uses, threatens, or attempts to use any firearm/weapon/electric weapon or carries one of these concealed is guilty of a _____ the second and subsequent convictions, Can the sentence be suspended or deferred?
felony of the first degree
If the person arrested as aforesaid is convicted of violating s. 790.07, or of a similar offense under any municipal ordinance, or any other offense involving the use or attempted use of such weapons, electric weapons or devices, or arms, such weapons, electric weapons or devices, or arms shall become _____ if they are acquitted the weapon shall be _____
forfeited to the state
If an acquitted individual does not pick up their weapon it must be delivered to who within what time frame?
60 days
All such weapons, electric weapons or devices, and arms now in, or hereafter coming into, the hands of any of the peace officers of this state or any of its political subdivisions, which have been found abandoned or otherwise discarded, or left in their hands and not reclaimed by the owners shall, within _____, be delivered by such peace officers to the sheriff of the county aforesaid
60 days
Weapons, electric weapons or devices, and arms coming into the hands of the sheriff pursuant to subsections (3) and (4) aforesaid shall, unless reclaimed by the owner thereof within _____ from the date the same come into the hands of the said sheriff, become forfeited to the state, and no action or proceeding for their recovery shall thereafter be maintained in this state.
6 months
Any or all such weapons, electric weapons or devices, and arms suitable for use by the sheriff _____
may be so used.
All such weapons, electric weapons or devices, and arms not needed by the said sheriff may be loaned to any other _____ or _____ or _____ having use for such weapons, electric weapons or devices, and arms.
department of the state or to any county or municipality
All weapons, electric weapons or devices, and arms which are not needed or which are useless or unfit for use shall be _____ or _____by the sheriff as provided in chapter 705 or as provided in the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act
destroyed or otherwise disposed of
All sums received from the sale or other disposition of the said weapons, electric weapons or devices, or arms disposed of by the sheriff under chapter 705 as aforesaid shall be paid into the _____ and shall become a part thereof.
State Treasury for the benefit of the State School Fund
A person who exhibits any sword, sword cane, firearm, electric weapon or device, destructive device, or other weapon as defined in s. 790.001(13), including a razor blade, box cutter, or common pocketknife, except as authorized in support of school-sanctioned activities, in the presence of one or more persons in a rude, careless, angry, or threatening manner and not in lawful self-defense, at a school-sponsored event or on the grounds or facilities of any school, school bus, or school bus stop, or within 1,000 feet of the real property that comprises a public or private elementary school, middle school, or secondary school, during school hours or during the time of a sanctioned school activity, commits a _____
felony of the third degree
This subsection does not apply to the exhibition of a firearm or weapon on _____ within 1,000 feet of a school by the _____ of such property or by a person whose presence on such property has been _____, _____ or _____ by them.
private real property owner authorized, licensed, or invited
a person may carry a firearm: In a case to a firearms program, class or function which has been approved in advance by the _____ or _____ of the school as a program or class to which firearms could be carried;
principal or chief administrative officer
a person may carry a firearm: In a case to a career center having a _____;
firearms training range
a person may carry a firearm: In a _____ pursuant to s. 790.25(5); except that school districts may adopt written and published policies that waive the exception in this subparagraph for purposes of _____ and _____
vehicle student and campus parking privileges.
A person who willfully and knowingly possesses a firearm, any electric weapon or device, destructive device, or other weapon as defined in s. 790.001(13), including a razor blade or box cutter, except as authorized in support of school-sanctioned activities, in violation of this subsection commits a _____
felony of the third degree,
A person who stores or leaves a loaded firearm within the reach or easy access of a minor who obtains the firearm, takes it to school and exhibits it, commits a _____
misdemeanor of the second degree
easy access: this does not apply if the firearm was stored or left in a _____ or _____ or in a location which a reasonable person would have believed to be _____, or was securely locked with a ______ or _____
securely locked box or container
firearm-mounted push-button combination lock or a trigger lock
school-sanctioned activities, at a school-sponsored event or on the property of any school, school bus, or school bus stop: a person who discharges any weapon or firearm while in violation, unless discharged for lawful defense of himself or herself or another or for a lawful purpose, commits a _____
felony of the second degree
a licenseholder who unlawfully discharges a weapon or firearm on school property as prohibited by this subsection commits a ______
felony of the second degree
any minor under 18 years of age who is charged under this section with possessing or discharging a firearm on school property shall be _____,
detained in secure detention
any minor under 18 years of age who is charged under this section with possessing or discharging a firearm on school property shall be detained in secure detention, unless the _____ authorizes the release of the minor, and shall be given a probable cause hearing within _____ after being taken into custody
state attorney 24 hours
any minor under 18 years of age who is charged under this section with possessing or discharging a firearm on school property: At the hearing, the court may order that the minor continue to be held in secure detention for a period of _____, during which time the minor shall receive medical, psychiatric, psychological, or substance abuse examinations
21 days
Unless otherwise provided by law, any person who is in possession of a concealed “firearm,” or a “destructive device,” within the premises of a “pharmacy,” , is guilty of a _____
felony of the third degree
Can a licensed CCW individual carry a concealed weapon into a pharmacy?
Unless otherwise provided by law, any person who is in possession of a concealed “firearm,” or a “destructive device,” within the premises of a “pharmacy,” , is guilty of a _____
felony of the third degree
Can a licensed CCW individual carry a concealed weapon into a pharmacy?
any person who knowingly discharges a firearm in any public place or on the right-of-way of any paved public road, highway, or street, who knowingly discharges any firearm over the right-of-way of any paved public road, highway, or street or over any occupied premises, or who recklessly or negligently discharges a firearm outdoors on any property used primarily as the site of a dwelling or zoned exclusively for residential use commits a _____
misdemeanor of the first degree
Any occupant of any vehicle who knowingly and willfully discharges any firearm from the vehicle within 1,000 feet of any person commits a _____
felony of the second degree
Any driver or owner of any vehicle, whether or not the owner of the vehicle is occupying the vehicle, who knowingly directs any other person to discharge any firearm from the vehicle commits a _____
felony of the third degree
Any person who recreationally discharges a firearm outdoors, including target shooting, in an area that the person knows or reasonably should know is primarily residential in nature and that has a residential density of one or more dwelling units per acre, commits a _____
misdemeanor of the first degree
Any person who recreationally discharges a firearm outdoors, including target shooting, in an area that the person knows or reasonably should know is primarily residential in nature and that has a residential density of _____ dwelling units per acre, commits a misdemeanor of the first degree. This does not apply If, under the circumstances, the discharge does not pose a reasonably foreseeable risk to _____, _____ or _____;
one or more
life, safety, or property;