776-808 Flashcards
The narrator suggests that like all decisions women take on their own
-Made determination to love Damien is fortunate as otherwise Damien might have died of love
-M writes Damien a letter promising him all the sexual favours he desires
-She put it under his pillow
-damien recovers and returns to January after he grinned himself with care to please may
-Behaving so nicely that everyone speaks well of him
“Have granted him here grace”
-The narrator is heavy irony continues as he offers the opinion that maze decision to become Damien‘s lover represents the kind of generosity. Women are capable of when they act without consultation.
-One woman again a French contemporary of chaucers Christiane de Pisan wrote a rejoinder ‘ letters to Cupid’
-Which points out the discrepancy between literary romance convention of Courtney Love in which men languish threatened to die from unrequited love for unattainable women and the widespread males in the anti-feminist tradition that women are inferior beings who are not worth having anyway
- It played with the Courtney Love theme of the noble lady the object of unrequited love she doesn’t only acknowledge but reciprocates highlighting this satirical tone
“She thrust” ‘and hard him twiste”
The gesture where she thrust the letter under Damian’s pillow and squeezing his hand is assertive and can be read as a sexual metaphor
-Indicating that despite convention and appearance it is a woman who is in charge
“Preyneth” “Picketh” “fane to speak him good”
-in the suggested role reversal Damien now gives himself up to printing
-Until now he has been presented as a relatively neutral victim of mays charms
-Now he takes on the character of the deceiving December like the other in Eden with UMI has been compared to already
-Is hypocrisy with January and the other members of the household ensures that he continues to be trusted
-her ability to act covertly and manipulate situations highlight her intelligence
-Her cunning is now evident
-In one way fitting in with the anti-feminist theme that women are sly and cunning and cannot be trusted
-But also in a way contradicting the theme that women are docile creatures who obey men she shows her intelligence here.
“ herte as hard as any stoon”
-could be showing me lack of empathy
-The metaphor is a reference to women
-Introduces a layer of ambiguity
-It seems to critique her for prioritising Damien’s desires over her husband’s
-These actions reflect both the idealised feminine pity and the idea of females being cunning and manipulative
“Her verray grace”
Maze compassionate act of sending him the letter that grants her true grace so there is a catalyst for Damien’s renewal
-The physical transformation of Damien mirrors and internal revival suggesting that love and benevolence has the power to spell sorrow and weakness