767 Lexicon Flashcards
Continuous variable
no breaks between data (time, weight, etc.)
Discrete variable
Breaks between data (children, cars, etc.)
Between subjects
independent samples design. Samples unrelated to one another (e.g. IQ of men and women of this class)
Within subjects
dependent samples / correlated samples. could be repeated measures. could also be paired data (e.g. couples, romantic, client-counselor, members on one team vs. members on the other).
Focus on multiple dependent variables - even if only one independent variable
Focus on one dependent variable - singular dependent measure - simple Algebra
- research results from which inferences are drawn
- Usually numerical
- Can also be newspaper and magazine articles, biographical materials, diaries, and so on. Verbal materials
- categorizing, ordering, manipulating, and summarizing of data to obtain answers to research questions
- reduce data to intelligible and interpretable form
- based on analysis, makes inferences pertinent to the research, relations studied, and draws conclusions about the relations
- relations within the research study
- almost automatic with analysis
- broader meaning of research data is sought
- link to theory and other findings.
- examine congruence or lack of congruence
- theory and method of analyzing quantitative data obtained from samples of observations in order to study and compare sources of variance of phenomena
- make decisions to accept or reject the hypothesized relations between the phenomena
- aid in drawing reliable inferences from empirical observations
a measure calculated from a sample
a population value
Multiple regression
analyzes the common and separate influences of two or more independent variables on a dependent variable
Canonical correlation
- logical extension of multiple regression
- adds more than one dependent variable to the multiple regression model
- handles relations between sets of independent variables and sets of dependent variables
discriminant analysis
discriminate groups from one another on the basis of sets of measures
factor analysis
- different in kind and purpose from other multivariate methods
- help researcher discover and identify the unities or dimensions, called factors, behind many measures
Path analysis
- graphic method of studying the presumed direct and indirect influences of independent variables on each other and on dependent variables
- method of portraying and testing theories
- requires researchers to make explicit the theoretical framework of research problems
Analysis of covariance structures
- the ultimate approach to the analysis of complex data structures
- the analysis of the varying together of variables that are in structure dictated by theory
- Also called causal modeling and structural equation models
- an observable phenomenon that is substituted for a less-observable phenomenon (e.g. a thermometer gives readings of numbers that represent degrees of temperature)
- number that is a composite of two or more numbers (means, medians, coefficients of correlations)
- Maximize experimental relations and effects
- Minimize error variance
- Control extraneous event and variables
- An abstraction, not reality
- Best available explanation of a phenomenon at some point in time
- Not static. You can never prove a theory. Only disprove it.
- Set of propositions defined by interrelated constructs
- Nature of interrelations
- Are these relationships directional? Does one moderate another
- Explain phenomenon.
- If we can explain it, we can predict it.
- Case conceptualizations are small theories. Micro theories
- Systematic, planned, controlled, empirical, critical investigation into phenomenon.
- Guided by hypothesis and theories about relation between constructs.
- Ideally, a self-correcting, evolutionary process.
Deductive reasoning
You have known truths and laws and move from theories to data
Inductive reasoning
You do not have known truths and build theory from data
Level of discourse
A set that contains all the objects that enter discussion
Frequency distribution
- Primarily for descriptive purposes 2. Observed distributions can be compared to theoretical distributions (e.g. normal)
Profile analysis
Compare profiles of scores where all scores have been converted into same unit
Theory of errors
Given enough chance errors, they will distribute into a normal curve
Standard error of the mean
Standard deviation of an infinite number of means. Measure of chance or error in its effect on one measure of central tendency
A set that results from selecting sets from an original set (e.g., samples of a population)
Universal set (U)
- Set of all elements under discussion 2. Universe of discourse or level of discourse. 3. Population
Empty set (E)
The set with no numbers in it. Null set.
New partitioning that arises from successively partitioning the same set U by forming all subsets of the form A ^ B
Regression line
Expresses the relation between X and Y including its direction and magnitude
A set of ordered pairs
Ordered pair
Two objects, or a set of two elements, in which there is a fixed order for the objects to appear
A special kind of relation in which each element of the domain is paired with only one member of the range