7.6 Lipid disorders Flashcards
What is the composition of lipoproteins?
lipids (cholesteryl esters & triglycerides) + phospholipids + proteins
What are the main classes of lipoprotein?
>Chylomicrons >VLDL >IDL >LDL >HDL >Lp(a)
What is the conversion from mg/dl to mmol/L for chol, LDL, and HDL?
divide by 39
What is the conversion from mg/dl to mmol/L for TG?
divide by 89
What is the conversion from glucose mg/d to mmol/L?
divide by 18
What is the name of the equation used to calculate LDL?
Friedewald equation
How is LDL calculated?
LDL-C = TC- HDL-C – (TG/2.2)
In what situations may LDL be underestimated?
Underestimated if TG > 2.5 or LDL-C < 1.8 (in which case directly measure LDL-C)
When should chol profile be measured in relation to AMI?
Levels stable up to 24 hours after ACS then decrease and may take 6 weeks to return to normal. Levels may be unstable in any acute illness
List 3 main physical exam findings in hyperlipidaemia?
> Tendon xanthomas
Eruptive xanthomas on extensor surfaces
What lipid abnormality and level does tendon xanthomas imply?
LDL > 7.7
What lipid abnormality and level does eruptive xanthomas on extensor surfaces imply?
TG > 11
What are the 5 components of diagnosis for metabolic syndrome?
- Waist circumference
- TG
- BP
What is the waist circumference cutoffs for metabolic syndrome?
102 cm men, 88 cm women
What is the TG cut off for diagnosis of metabolic syndrome?
> 1.7
What is the HDL cut off for diagnosis of metabolic syndrome?
< 1.0 (men), <1.28 (women)
What is the BP cut off for diagnosis of metabolic syndrome?
> 130/85
What is Lp(a)
> LDL particle bound to apo(a) via apoB
>Genetic variants associated with MI
What are two broad categories of lipoprotein disorders?
Primary and secondary
What are two main primary lipoprotein disorders?
Familial hypercholesterolaemia and familial hypertriglyceridaemia (there are many others)
List 7 secondary lipoprotein disorders?
1) DM
2) Hypothyroidism
3) Nephrotic syndrome
4) Liver failure
5) Alcohol
6) Thiazides
7) Protease inhibitors
What is the pattern of lipid abnormality in DM?
High TG
What is the pattern of lipid abnormality in hypothyroidism?
High LDL
High TG
What is the pattern of lipid abnormality in nephrotic syndrome?
High LDL
High TG
What is the pattern of lipid abnormality in liver failure?
low LDL
What is the pattern of lipid abnormality in alcoholism?
High TG
High HDL
What is the pattern of lipid abnormality from thiazide diuretics?
High LDL
High TG
What is the pattern of lipid abnormality from protease inhibitors?
High TG
List 7 classes of drugs used to treat dyslipidaemia
Statins Ezetimibe PSCK9i Fibrates Omega-3 FAs Resins Niacin
What % reduction range do statins cause in LDL?
What % increase in HDL do statins cause?
What % reduction in TG do statins cause?
List 4 side-effects of statins
1) Raised ALT
2) Myalgias
3) Rhabdomyolysis
4) Diabetes mellitus
What is the rate of ALT elevation with statins?
What is the rate of myalgias with statins?
What is the rate of rhabdomyolysis with statins?
Is the risk of diabetes with statins idiosyncratic?
No there is a dose-dependent increase in risk, screen for DM if there are risk factors