737 Memory Items Flashcards
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Tailwind Component
10kts or as permitted by Company Pages
Maximum Operating Altitude
41,000 ft
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Altitude
8,400 ft.
Crosswind Limit
33kts for takeoff and landing including gusts
Severe turbulent Air Penetration Speed
280 KIAS or .76M whichever is lower.
In cruise refer to SP.16 Severe Turbulence
Use of aileron trim is prohibited
With the autopilot engaged
Do not engage the autopilot on takeoff below
400ft AGL
For single channel operation during approach the autopilot shall not remain engaged below?
50ft AGL
Do not use the autopilot below ____ ft RA at pressure altitudes above 8,400ft
100ft RA
Auto land wind speeds
Inflight APU bleed and electrical load max altitude?
APU bleed max altitude
Max altitude with flaps extended
Max allowable wind speeds for HID Alll operations?
Tailwind- 10kts
HUD Alll mode may not be used to runways above?
8,400ft pressures altitude.
For HUD Alll approach to a manual landing
Alll mode must be selected and the autopilot and auto throttle must be disengaged prior to 500ft above TDZE.
Alll landing must be done with which flap settings
Flaps 30 or 40 with both engines.
Or flaps 15 with one engine.
Aborted Engine Start
- Engine start lever (affected engine) …. Cutoff
Airspeed Unreliable
- Autopilot ……. Disengage.
- Auto throttle …. Disengage
- F/D switches both…. OFF
- If necessary to stabilize the aircraft set the following gear up pitch attitude and thrust.
Flaps extended….10* and 80% N1
Flaps up…………….4* and 75% N1
APU Fire
- APU fire switch…. confirm… Pull and rotate to the stop and hold for 1 second.
Cabin altitude warning or rapid depressurization
- Don oxygen mask and set regulators to 100%
2. Establish crew communication.
Engine Fire or Severe Damage or Separation
- Auto throttle if engaged ….. Disengage
2. Thrust lever affected engine… confirm….. close
Engine Limit or Surge or Stall
- Auto throttle if engaged…. disengage.
- Thrust levers affected engine… confirm… retard until indications stay within limits or the thrust lever is closed.
Landing Configuration
- Assure correct airplane landing configuration
Loss of Thrust on Both Engines
- Engine start switch …both….. FLT
- Engine start levers.. both……cutoff
- When EGT decreases… engine start levers .. both… Idle detent
Runaway Stabilizer
- Control column….. Hold firmly
- Autopilot if engaged…. disengage
Do not renegade the autopilot
Control airplane pitch altitude manually with control column and main electric trim as needed - Auto throttle if engaged…… disengage
Do not renegade the auto throttle - If the runaway stops after the autopilot is disengaged
«««««««< - If the runaway continues after the autopilot is disengaged
Stab Trim Cutoff switches … both… cutout
If the runaway continues… stabilizer trim wheel………… Grasp and Hold
Emergency Evacuation Flow