7.2.1 Flashcards
Outline the effects of growing interdependence of global systems
A range of global systems have developed reflecting increased global interdependence
This means the success of one place is dependent on the success of other nations/regions
Conversely problems in one place can rapidly lead to problems in other nations/regions
Outline 2 examples of economic interdependence
Countries rely on each other to buy and sell the goods that they need and produce
Dependence on flows of labour to provide a workforce
Outline an example of political interdependence
Countries need to work together to tackle global issues
Political unrest
Outline 2 examples of social interdependence
Diaspora all over the world increase the social interdependence
Media (films, tv, music and internet) are increasingly consumed around the world rather than just in the country of origin
Outline an example of environmental interdependence
Countries are dependent on each other to protect the environment and deal with global threats
Climate change
Loss of biodiversity
Outline positive and negative impacts of unequal flows of people
Positive impacts
Economic growth in HDE countries such as Germany due to more people working and paying taxes
Reduced unemployment in LDE countries such as Nigeria as people can move to seek jobs elsewhere
Remittances can boost growth and development in LDE and EME countries e.g. India is the largest recipient of remittances receiving over $100 billion in 2022
Negative impacts
LDE countries may suffer from brain drain e.g. health professionals such as doctors and nurses leaving countries like Nigeria (long-term)
LDE countries may suffer from brain drain e.g. health professionals such as doctors and nurses leaving countries like Nigeria
Outline positive and negative impacts of unequal flows of capital
Positive impact
Economic growth and development due to FDI, aid and remittances e.g. remittances account for 2-4% of India’s GDP
Improved quality of life due to more job opportunities and better infrastructure e.g. China has invested in high-speed rail links in East Africa which has boosted trade and business opportunities
Lower production costs mean cheaper goods for people and larger profits for TNCs such as Apple
Negative impacts
Local businesses may struggle to compete with TNCs e.g. smaller retail companies may close if a Walmart opens nearby
Outsourcing leads to deindustrialisation and unemployment in HDE countries e.g. in Detroit, USA
Environmental degradation and exploitation of workers e.g. Foxconn workers in China were forced to work long hours for low pay
Outline positive and negative impacts of unequal flows of technology
Positive impact
Can improve quality of life due to access to better health care and cleaner energy e.g. vaccinations have significantly reduced cases of Polio in Nigeria
Can promote economic growth and development through creation of jobs e.g. installation of solar panels in rural Rwanda provided access to electricity enabling people to improve skills and productivity
Can lead to better education due to more access to information and technology via online learning platforms, digital textbooks and distance learning opportunities
Negative impacts
Some people may struggle to access the latest innovations due to patents e.g. patents on antiretroviral drugs used to treat HIV made the medication unaffordable for many
Can cause environmental degradation and climate change due to pollution e.g. coal accounts for 70% of electricity generation in India