7.16 Gerund or Infinitive after a verb:_difference in meaning Flashcards
After “stop”, “remember”, and “try “ the meaning of the sentence depend on whether ?
you followed the verb with gerund or an infinitive.
Stop + Gerund
What is the meaning?
- I have a fight with my neighbor, and we “stopped talking to each other.”
=quit or discontinue an activity .
Stop something completely
-Dawson loved to work . He didn’t “stop working “ until he was 80
Stop + infinitive
What is the meaning?
I met a friend at the library, and I “stopped to talk “ to her. I stop to watch the TV
Stop one activity to watch the TV
=Quit one activity in order to start an other activity.
- stop one activity in order to do something else.
- Dawson wanted to finish school, but he “stopped to get “a job.
remember + gerund
What is the meaning?
My grandmother repeat herself a lot .didn’t “remember telling” the story. So she told it again .
=Remember that something happened early.
- Remember something about the past
- Do you remember reading about Carnegie?
Remember + infinitive
What is the meaning?
You must” remember to turn off “the stove before before you leave the house
= Remember something and then do it.
= Remember and then do
-Dawson’s mother said,” Always remember to help other people.”
Try + Gerund
What is the meaning?
I put a dollar in the vending machine and nothing came out. I “tried hitting” the machine but still nothing happening.
= experiment with something new.
= experiment with a different method.
You do something one way, and then, if that doesn’t work, you try a different method.
_ I always write my composition by hand. I “tried writing” them on a computer, but I don’t type fast enough.
_ Dawson’s always had a simple lifestyle. when he became rich, he “tried living” a fancier lifestyle, but it did’t bring him satisfaction.
try + Infinitive
What is the meaning?
I try to give a little money to charity each year.
= Make an effort or an attempt
_ Mimi “tries to ride” her bike to work a few times a week.
_Carnegie “tried to enter” a library when he was young, but he was told it was for members only.
_ Joyce always “tries to help” sick kids
There is a big different between stop/remember + Gerund and
Stop/remember + Infinitive
for try, the different is not clear
Used to + base form of verb
For the negative, use didn’t use to
Note: omit the “d” in the negative,
-I used to be overweight. Now I,m in great shape.
-I didn’t use to speak English at all. Now I speak it fairly well.
=Discontinued past habit or situation.
= Show that an activity was repeated or habitual in the past. This activity has been discontinue.
_ I used to take the bus to work. Now I ride my bike.
_ She used to think that one person couldn’t make difference. Now she knows that every person’s contribution counts.
Be used to+ gerund or noun =
For negative, use
Be + not + used to
_ She has six children. She is use to being around kids.
_ I walk five miles a day. I am used to walking in all kinds of weather.
Means “ be accustom to”. Present custom
The sentence describe a person’s habit. They show what is normal and comfortable .
_ Mini is used to riding her bike in Chicago , which is flat.
_ She is used to riding in nice weather.
_She isn’t used to the cold wind in Alaska .
Get used to + Gerund or noun=
often we use can, can’t, could, couldn’t before get used to
Note: do not omit the “d” in the negative.
_I have never lived alone before an it’s hard for me. I can’t “get use to living” alone
=means “become accustomed to.”
= Change of custom
_Some of the riders “couldn’t get used to” the “ cold wind” and had to quit.
_Chicago is flat. Mimi had to “ get used to riding” her bike in the mountains.
an infinitive can be use in passive voice
it is important “to be loved.”
an object can be added before an infinitive
His mother wanted him to help others
An infinitive is use to show purpose.
Joyce makes cards in order to raise mony
Informal: “it” can introduce an infinitive subject.
Formal: The infinitive can be in the subject position.
_It’s important to helps others
_To help others is our moral obligation
For + noun or object pronoun is used to give the infinitive a subject
_it’s important for rich people to help others.
_It is fun for me to volunteer.
An infinitive can be used after too and enough.
Carnegie had enough money to build libraries.
_Dawson was too poor to finish school
After sense perception verbs, a base form is used . The - ing form can also be used in some cases:
_ I hear the baby crying
_ Dawson hear his mother talk about helping otherrs.
After causative verbs let, make, and have, use the base form.
_She let me work.
_She made me work.
_She had me work.
After a causative verb get, convince, and persuade, use the infinitive
_She got me to work
_She convinced me to work.
_ she persuaded me to work.
After help, , either the infinitive or the base form can be used
_Dawson helped student to get an education
_He helped them pay their tuition.
A gerund can be the subject of a sentence
Going to college is expensive in the U.S
A gerund follows certain verbs
Dawson enjoyed giving money away.
A gerund is used after a preposition
Dawson learned about giving from his parents.
A gerund is used after certain nouns.
He had a hard time supporting his family
A gerund is used in many idiomatic expressions with go.
Ha does’t like to go shopping.
A gerund can be used in the passive voice
I dislike being told a lie.