7.1 Flashcards
What should you check prior to leaving your departure location?
Check for any altered working that could affect the train.
When revisions are in place, what must you clarify with operating conditions?
Check and clarify all relevant information.
How could you be notified of TSR, ESR and heat speed restrictions?
Line side signage
Late Notice Case
Under the signallers authority, name the occasions the driver may pass a signal at danger?
- Signal is defective or disconnected
- Signal is unable to be cleared or a movement authority cannot be sent because level crossing equipment has failed
- Shunting purposes
- A train or movement which has reversed is then required to start from beyond the signal
- The line is to be examined to check that it is clear
- They have removed absolute block section after a failed train
- A train is to enter the section to:
assist a failed train
evacuate passengers from a failed train
remove a portion of a divided train
remove a trail or vehicles that have proceeded without authority - single line working
- pilotman (modified working applies)
Who will authorise movements to enter the single line and what will they be wearing?
Pilot man
Wearing a red armband with white letters worn on their left arm
what colour aspects would you observe during TBW?
black, green, red, yellow white
What do you require, from the hand signaller (during TBW), before moving?
Yellow hand signal (detonators have been removed)
Why would TBW be required?
Extensive failure or disconnection of signalling equipment
What must you be in possession of before entering a TBW section?
TBW: With regards to AWS, what will you still need to do?
Ignore but cancel any warning indications
With TBW, what will you need to isolate?
TIS (temporary isolation switch) TWPS when entering the section. Upon exiting the section, reinstate it.
Who will need to be informed that TBW is in place?
What speed will you travel over facing points during TBW section?
15mph over facing points (unless they have been secured and details recorded on the RT3184 ticket
What is the maximum speed over TBW?
What colour hand signals might the driver expect when traveling in the wrong direction at the signal protecting the crossover where trains return to the proper line?
Yellow or Red
What is the form for Single Line Working?
What are the exceptions to SLW ticket?
if a train is to enter an obstructed section to assist a failed train/remove a train or vehicle that has proceeded without authority
What signals will you normally work to when making wrong direction moves?
shunting signals or position lights
When would the Pilotman have to ride with every train in the wrong direction?
If no hand signaller has been provided
Maximum speed for a wrong direction move?
What is the procedure if your train is the first to travel over the single line?
Proceed with caution. Check points are correctly set and level crossings are clear. Stop where necessary to tell anyone working on or near the line where SLW has been introduced.
If a hand signal is not displayed during SLW, what should be done?
Stop immediately and contact the signaller
ESW, what ticket must you carry?
NR3190 ticket
Whose responsibility is it to carry an ESW NR3190 ticket?
The driver
What is the procedure if you do not have an ESR ticket?
The signaller will instruct you to pass the first signal at danger. You will then need to stop at every signal involved to gain permission to pass.
Describe the method of working to and from a point of obstruction:
Pilot man will ensure emergency protection.
What are the requirements of the driver when making a wrong-direction move for which it does not provide a signal?
Frequent blasts of the horn. Only pass over un-worked points if they are secured. Approach cautiously making sure it is safe to pass over auto crossing/barrow crossing with white light indicators. Stop and sound the horn before proceeding over L.C equipped with red/green lights.
What is the method to dispatch a train when there is a failure of the bell or buzzer equipment?
Green flag/light
During a propelling movement, when are you authorised to drive from somewhere other than the leading (forward facing) cab?
Defective controls
If you are better able to see the signal or the persons in control of movements.
A level crossing is under Local Control. What rule book instructions would you adhere to?
Approach at caution. Only pass if a green hand signal is shown at the crossing.
What alterations to safety systems would be required when making an un-signalled movement?
Isolate the TPWS
What are the requirements and actions when conducting a controlled test stop?
You brake the train as you would normally use for the weather and rail adhesion expected at the location. Rather than those used for poor rail-head adhesion conditions. Immediately contact the signaler after the controlled test stop, and report the results of the test.