7 Staff Management Flashcards
Who does the Code of Conduct apply to?
ANYONE who is EMPLOYED by Police.
Inc: permanent, temporary and casual employees Contractors Consultants Volunteers
When does the Code of Conduct apply?
24/7 - applies to what we do outside of working hours where our actions may bring Police into disrepute or may damage trust and confidence Police as our employer has in us
What is the SELF test?
As yourself these 4 questions when making a decision…
- Would it withstand SCRUTINY
- Is it in line with our ETHICS
- Is the decision LAWFUL
- Is the decision FAIR to ALL
Consider the impact of our behaviour on the Police at all times
What is a conflict of interest?
A situation where our personal or professional interests may conflict with out position, obligation or responsibilities as a Police employee
What happens if our behaviour falls short of the required standard set out in the Code of Conduct?
Police will talk to you and determine the circumstances and actions that have lead to the situation.
If you are found to have breached the Code of Conduct you may face disciplinary action which could include termination .
The final outcome depends on the seriousness of the situation
What is considered when determining if a behaviour is a breach of the Code of Conduct?
- Nature and circumstances
- Intent - did you knowingly make decisions or act out of line…
- Your position, duties and responsibilities
- Your ability to fulfil your duties and responsibilities
- The IMPACT on the organisation and relationships
- Impact on the trust and confidence the Police have in YOU
- How similar behaviour has been dealt with in the past
How can misconduct be categorised?
Misconduct - Behaviour or actions that breach the COC OR any other Police Policy. May not justify dismissal but can result in formal disciplinary action
eg - treating a person harshly, using abusive or offensive language, misuse of Police internet or email systems, failing to declare a conflict of interest
Serious Misconduct - Behaviour or actions that breach the COC OR any other Police Policy and employment agreements and SERIOUSLY UNDERMINE or DAMAGE the trust and confidence the Police has in YOU, calling into question whether the relationship can continue.
eg - being convicted or pleading guilty to an offence, corruption, sexual misconduct, bullying or harasser, repeated misconduct, excessive unjustified force
Who can apply for FEO?
Any Police employee
Police Exec have set the default to YES, this means the initial starting point is yes and the manager and the applicant will work together to find a way to make it work
Why is working flexibly important to Police?
Working flexibly can make a positive difference to our work.
Working in a way that suits lifestyle and commitments mean ppl often have greater job satisfaction, resulting in higher levels of engagement and productivity.
It enables high performance, attracts and retains top talent
Does FEO mean part time?
It includes any NON USUAL working arrangement including change of hours or days working and working from alternative locations…
Flexi time - allows an employee to work a set number of hours a week that can be varied from week to week
Part time -
Condensed Hours - working full time but condensing those hours into shorter weeks, ie 10 hour days
What is yoyr responsibiitly as a leader with regard to FEO?
Promote it within your team - put it on the agenda at leadership discussions, talk about it with your teams,
Educate your staff - help others understand it
Advocate - consider opportunities to promote FEO
If you receive an applicaiton for FEO what do you have to do and is their a time frame for this?
As a manager you have a DUTY to consider ANY FEO request
You MUST respond within ONE MONTH of receiving the application
‘how can we make this work’
Who can decline an FEO applicaiton?
Only the District Commander or National Manager can decline an FEO application.
A manager can approve or recommend that it is NOT supported.
If all options have been exhausted and a workable solution cannot be found the application MUST then be reviewed by the district commander or national manager
What is performance management?
When would you go from a performance management process to a disciplinary process?
If after seeking improvement through dialogue and providing stupor to enable the employee to perform satisfactory and they are UNWILLING or UNABLE to SATISFACTORY improve would you start a disciplinary process
When should performance issues be addressed with an employee?
As soon as possible after they have been identified
What is the objective of an INFORMAL DISCUSSION with a employee?
To encourage dialogue and try and identify if there are any underlying issues that are contributing to the performance issues.
Your role is to ENCOURAGE, SUPPORT and try to HELP the employee to improve
Its also important to prove the employee with REAL OPPORTUNITY to explain and talk about the issues and their causes.
What should you do if an employees performance has not improved despite an INFORMAL discussion.
A more formal meeting might be appropriate, ie a PERFORMANCE MEETING.
ID the MINIMUM standards and give examples of how their performance falls short
Send a letter inviting them to a performance meeting
Advise they can bring a support person
Set up a performance management file
Discuss with HR
Give them an opportunity to respond and explain
Explain performance management process
If a PIP is necessary go through the form
Record keeping and provide copies to employee
If no PIP put in place continue to monitor employees performance, if their continues to be no imporvement a further meeting may be required to put a PIP in place
What is the objective of a PIP?
For the performance to be improved.
A PIP sets out the requirements and expectations of both parties.
To be successful a PIP MUST be agreed to by both parties
A PIP should be measurable, realistic and have an achievable time line
If an employee is on a PIP and NEW MATTERS arise, what should you do?
Another performance meeting will need to be convened and the PIP revised
What should you do at the completion of a PIP where the performance HAS improved?
If the employee has reached the required standard they should be informed of this and that there is no longer a need to continue the PIP. Confirm end date in writing and confirm this in writing to the employee
Performance monitoring can continue on a more informal basis, further training support etc provided to ensure the required level of performance is MAINTAINED
What should you do at the completion of a PIP where the performance HAS NOT improved?
Consider revising the PIP
May be appropriate for the matter to go directly to the progressive disciplinary process
Invite the employee to a disciplinary meeting
At this stage someone from HR or Local Employment Resolution Team MUST be involved
Who can do the initial assessment of a complaint to see if it requires further investigation?
An APPROPRIATE manager with guidance from HR
A disciplinary process has NOT been commenced at this stage so it is CRITICAL the matter is handled sensitively and kept to a need to know basis
If after an INITIAL ASSESSMENT by an appropriate manger it is found that there are concerns - what happens next?
It should be determined if it is a performance matter, a potential breach of COC or a criminal matter.
The matter is referred to the appropriate manager, HR rep and Prof Conduct team.
Prof Conduct SHOULD be involved to assess if there is potential criminal offending OR if the allegation has resulted from a complaint against Police
If there has been a complaint against a staff member when would you consider restricting their duties or, suspending or standing them down?
Should only be considered where there is RISK in allowing them to undertake their current duties
ie risk to health and safety or employee and others, risk that employee will interfere with investigation, disrupt Police routines, the nature or gravity of the alleged conduct may prejudice or potentially damage the reputation of the Police
it is necessary AND appropriate to remove the employee form the work place
Advise from HR MUST be sought prior to taking this step
What happens AFTER the initial investigation into a complaint and MISCONDUCT has been established?
A preliminary decision NEEDS to be reached about what outcome or sanction may apply.
The employee NEEDS to be informed of the preliminary decision AND have the opportunity to comment either in person or in writing.
Following commiseration of the employees comments a final decision on outcome can be made
If misconduct has been established what are the two MAIN outcomes?
warning / final warning OR dismissal
Nothing prevents other appropriate outcomes that are not disciplinary sanctions such a performance management or professional conversations
What TYPES of matters/complaints should be assessed and categorised?
- internally identified matters that may involve a breach of COC
- complaints there are concerns about
- Notifiable incidents
- significant traffic matters
poor performance or one off low level misconduct or mistakes that can be dealt with by the manager are NOT considered
What are the possible outcomes of a breach of COC or a complaint?
No further action - appropriate for low level misconduct
Performance Management - appropriate for low level misconduct
Employment investigation
Criminal investigation
What are the possible outcomes for a criminal or employment investigation?
Warning - final warning
OR Delay in awarding a long service award Revocation of good conduct medal Ineligibility of a CSI Change of duties Removal from specialist squad Demotion
When you are drafting allegations of misconduct employment investigations, what should you clearly outline?
Clearly outline the allegation
Fully inform them of your concerns about their conduct
Explain why, if true, Police would consider it unacceptable
Enable them to properly respond to the allegations
Can employment and criminal investigations run simultaneously and be investigated by the same person?
They can, and should, run simultaneous however they MUST be investigated by separate ppl.
Can disclosure of the allegation and relevant disclosures by made to the employee in employment and criminal investigations?
Yes - employment (shld receive these before the investigation meeting where allegations are put to them
No - criminal, (must also prove BYD)
If the employee has committed SERIOUS MISCONDUCT and is going to be dismissed- who can approve this?
District Commander
General Manager - Training
National Manager - Comms Centres
Assistant Commissioners and above
All with consultation with HR
If the employee has committed MISCONDUCT and is going to be warned/final warned - who can approve this?
District Commander
National Manager or above
Can be delegated to Inspector
All with consultation with HR and their manager
What is the expected penalty for misconduct and SERIOUS misconduct?
Warning for misconduct
Final warning for serious misconduct or where warnings have prev been issued
Can also with hold long service medals, withhold CSI, ask for return of good conduct medals, demotion, removal from specialist squads
What does Kia Tu mean?
Standing for what is right, taking a stand for others, doing the right thing, being seen and heard and being proud of who you are
What is the purpose of Kia Tu?
- prevent and resolve harmful behaviour at work by enabling anyone to speak up about concerns
- provide guidance on how to ID different types of unacceptable behaviour, address and resolve it
- achieve a shared understanding of what is and isnt acceptable behaviour in the work place
- Process for raising concerns about unacceptable behaviour
- outline types of support available
- explain the restorative approach to resolving unacceptable behaviour
- define our roles and responsibilities to maintain a safe, inclusive and high performing culture
Who does Kia Tu apply to?
Everyone working at Police, including contractors, secondees, volunteers and VISITORS to sites
What are the FIVE pricipals of Kia Tu?
Safe - committed to providing a safe and healthy work place
Trusted- Trust lies at the heart of everything
Accountable - all accountable for our behaviour, and behaviour that falls short will be addressed
Responsive - respond to matters quickly and proportionately to the behaviour
People Centric - ppl, whanau and community at the centre
According to Kia Tu, what is unacceptable behaviour in the work place?
Physical harm Emotional distress Bullying Harassment Discrimination
What are the FOUR ways you can (as a manager) respond to unacceptable behaviour in the work place?
Address it yourself - low level stuff, one off comments
Address it with support - address it in a less immediate way
Address it with a manager - if you dont feel safe or confident
Report it confidentially - 0800 number or online form
Your concern will be addressed by an independent triage panel to recommend the best path way for resolution
Raising a concern about unacceptable behaviour in the work place can be stressful, what supports are in place?
Wellness advisor District and Service Centre Early Intervention Leads EAP Mate to Mate Chaplaincy Service
What is trauma in relation to the trauma support policy?
Any type of distressing event or experience
Can be a one off or cumulative
Any referrals SHOULD be done with the employees knowledge/consent
Regardless of outward signs and symptions what are teh circumstances where a trauma referral MUST be made?
Any referrals SHOULD be done with the employees knowledge/consent
- involvement in critical incidents
- notifiable injury or illness
- threat to employees life
- DVI incidents
- attendance at delayed recovery of body/bodies
- attendance at any unnatural death
- attendance at a high number of critical incidents over a short period of time
- loss of an employees life
- where police intervention has failed to prevent loss of life
- death or serious injury involving a baby or child
- attending incidents involving other police or their families
After receiving a welfare referral the Welfare Officer will contact the employee, what do they do?
The Welfare Officer will conduct an initial assessment to determine the need for further specialist assessment and support services.
They MAY make a referral to a physiologist
They MUST make a referral to a psychologist for CRITICAL incidents and in EXCEPTIONAL circumstances
- where individual have had SIGNIFICANT exposure to trauma
ie natural disasters, mass homicides
If the Welfare Officer does make a referral to a physiologist, when SHOULD the first appointment be?
Not earlier that 72hrs after the incident and not more than 10 days after the incident
Who takes the lead role in initiating and managing the rehab of employees following work absences due to illness or injury?
Their manager
In the first FIVE days you MUST
- advise WFM
- fill out an INCIDENT REPORT withing 48hours
- contact employee within TWO days
- receive a medi cert
- complete sick leave req and attach medi cert
- arrange alternate duties (light duties) if employee has been cleared
- keep WFM updated
- ensure WEEKLY contact with employee
- arrange a meeting with employee to arrange Returen to Work plan
- send agreed and signed Return to Work form to HR
- ensure medi certs are up to date
What is a WORK INJURY?
Any injury suffered while at work
Can include:
- an accident or series of events at work
- work related gradual process, diseas or infection
- work related noise induced hearing loss
- work related MENTAL INJURY caused by a SINGLE SIGNIFICANT event likely to cause mental injury to ppl generally
Who is covered from a work related injury?
All PAID employees are covered inc permanent employees, staff on fixed term contracts and casual employees.
Not volunteers
What is EARLY INTERVENTION and who does it apply to?
Early Intervention identifies employees who MAY NOT be PERFORMING to an acceptable and professional standard.
And whose past and present behaviour indicates they may pose a risk to themselves and Police through FUTURE misconduct or unethical behaviour
It is preventative in nature, aimed at offering support such as a mentor, relationship assistance, coaching or external assistance
It is NOT a disciplinary process
How is someone identified that might be needing EARLY INTERVENTION?
Self referral
Early Intervention Database
No info is kept on the employees personal file
When should a trauma support referral be done?
Should refer when trauma is POTENTIAL or POSSIBLE
Can be one off or exposure to SIMILAR events
Can refer an employee with their knowledge/consent or they can self refer
First port of call is to the wellness advisory
Be aware of less obvious cumulative and less serious events
What is a work related injury?
Any injury that happened at work and includes:
- accident or series of events
- Gradual process
- Disease or infection
- Noise induced hearing loss
- Mental injury caused by a significant event likely to effect most ppl
Who is covered by GB for a work related injury?
Any PAID employee
- permanent employees
- staff on fixed term contracts
- casual employees (ie AOs)
Is engagement in the early intervention process mandatory after the initial meeting?
NO - engagement is voluntary after the first meeting
Any offer of assistance MUST be agreed to by BOTH the manager and the district lead
Is any record of Early Intervention held on the employees personal file?
Can you use the info collected through the Early Identification for anything other than early intevention?
NO - it cant be used for disciplinary matters, performance appraisals, or in the appointment
The only exception to this is if the employee is going to be let go, then material may be referred to or taken into account
When can the Manager or District Lead disclose personal information outside of the Early Intervention meeting?
- With Consent
- to prevent or lessen a serious threat to public health or life or health of a person
- in the maintenance of law
- part of any court process
What CANT the Early Intervention team help with?
If the Early Intervention team discover any criminal disciplinary or performance issues then they may consider this unsuitable for them to be involved in and they MUST refer them to the appropriate person OUTSIDE of early intervention IE prof standards