7 - MOIA (Facial Expression, Mastication, Neck muscles) Flashcards
O: maxilla & mandible
I: orbicularis oris at the corner of mouth
A: draws corner of mouth posteriorly & cheek compression to hold food between teeth
O: lower border of mandible
I: lip skin near mouth corner
A: lowers corner of mouth (frown)
Depressor anguli oris
O: maxilla
I: skin & orbicularis oris of upper lip
A: raises upper lip (sneer)
Levator labii superioris
O: occipital bone
I: skin of eyebrow & nose
A: moves scalp & raise eyebrows
O: maxilla & frontal lobes
I: circles orbit & inserts onto skin around eyelids
A: close eyes (blink, squint, wink)
Orbicularis oculi
O: nasal septum, maxilla, & mandible
I: fascia & other lip muscles
A: close/purse lips (kiss)
Orbicularis oris
O: zygomatic bone
I: angle of mouth
A: elevate/abduct upper lip & corner of mouth (smile)
Zygomaticus major
O: zygomatic bone
I: orbicularis oris of upper lip
A: elevate/ubduct upper lip (smile)
Zygomaticus minor
O: temporal fossa
I: anterior mandibular & coronoid process
A: elevate/draw mandible posteriorly; close jaw
O: zygomatic arch
I: lateral side of mandibular ramus
A: Elevate/push mandible anteriorly; close jaw
O: lateral pterygoid plate & greater wing of sphenoid
I: condylar process of mandible and articular disk
A: push mandible anteriorly & depresses mandible; close jaw
Lateral pterygoid
O: lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid & tuberosity of maxilla
I: medial surface of mandible
A: elevates and pushes mandible anteriorly; close jaw
Medial pterygoid
O: anterior side of vertebrae
I: base of skull
A: flex head and neck
Flexors (deep neck muscle)
O: posterior side of vertebrae
I: base of skull
A: extend head and neck
Extensors (Deep neck muscle)
O: manubrium of sternum and medial part of clavicle
I: mastoid process and nuchal like of skull
A: individually rotate head; together flex neck
O: posterior surface of skull & upper vertebral column (C7-T12)
I: clavicle, acromion process, & scapular spine
A: extend & laterally flexes neck